And sidenote to Mitt Romney, who is campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire this week. I'm aware that you're running ads with the gist that the Republican party is in need of major change. All well and good, but honestly NOBODY'S buying it anymore, as in too little too late. The GOP as a whole has pretty much rendered itself totally useless and worthy of being unceremoniously shot by a firing squad (a guy can dream can't he?).
The next Too Little Said Too Late award goes to Alan Greenspan for his new book "The Age of Turbulence" which roundly excoriates the Bush Administration for its wreckless out of control spending among other stupidities. Yes Alan, you've told the truth about this bunch of incompetent assclowns in an eloquent fashion, but dang it, why didn't you do this YEARS ago? Where was your courage? Where was your outrage then?
And a recommended read landed in my talons last night, called "Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Saudi-U.S. Connection by Gerald L. Posner, an unflinching investigation into the harmful and inappropriate relationship we have with Saudi Arabia, the undue and harmful influence that the Saudi Royal Family exerts on our government and corporations, especially in the current Bush era. The implications to say the least are frightening. If everything or at least of most of what Mr Posner is saying is accurate, it is IMPERATIVE that we sever ALL relations with this unscrupulous bunch of murderers and pirates once and for all! How can we as a nation that stands for equality, liberty, justice and such continue to associate with a nation well-known for its oppression of women, brutality and ongoing support of terrorism, not to mention manipulating economies throughout the world in malicious fashion. How can we?
Well, when we have a clueless, amoral DOLT like George Dubbaya Bush as our Chief Executive, it oddly makes sense.
1 comment:
Luckily for us all, Posner is not in the least accurate in this book. Whether it's a matter of defective sources or pure invention, he gets most everything lot wrong.
You can read my 2005 review of the book at Crossroads Arabia.
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