2) Meanwhile, Some 240,000 Miles From Here: Our Moon is slowly but certainly revealing itself as something far more than just some cratered ball of rock with cool craters that gives us tides and fuels legends and myths. Scientists have found that lunar soil is rich in an isotope, Helium 3 that could provide a vital piece of the puzzle in having practical nuclear fusion for power generation. Being a non-radioactive isotope, unlike deuterium or tritium (isotopes of hydrogen), Helium 3 if fused together would not only release copius amounts of energy, but the result would be able to convert directly to electrical power, eliminating the need for an inefficient steam-turbine setup. The other benefit being, that unlike fusion hydrogen isotopes and their resultant emissions (that would rapidly degrade the walls of a reactor), fusing Helium 3 would be a lot easier on the reactor's structural integrity, meaning lower operating costs. Of course, all this is theoretical at the present time, but if it could be made to work, the results would be nothing short of phenomenal. A mere 40 tons of Helium 3 could take care of the electricity needs of the US for about a year it's estimated. Stuff like this just makes me look forward to the day when we can REALLY tell the Saudi Arabian government and OPEC to go screw themselves and the camel they rode in on. More details from Live Science HERE
3) They Just Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To #555,187: In Phoenix AZ, one man and a few of his neighbors got a rather unpleasant surprise at 5:30 in the morning when his water heater shot out of the garage like a missle and landed about ablock away. Thankfully, no injuries, just some rattled nerves. Investigators first thought it was a gas explosion until they realized it was an electric water heater. Very likely a faulty pressure relief valve. Amazing how much power there is in heated water! Video HERE
4) I Wish It Was A Joke #8821: Justice denied again. A Federal court ruled against a number of families of victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks who were set to bring lawsuits against at least 4 Saudi Arabian princes, rightly taking them to task for their long-standing material/financial support of terrorists that led to the tragedy.. The grounds, these spoiled rich kid punks have sovereign immunity or something along those lines. Must be nice to be that rich and get away with anything you want, including supporting mass murderers! If I was their dad, I'd have them beheaded! Story HERE.
5) Don't Compromise, SHATNERIZE!!!: Me and video editing software and a thing for William Shatner's "singing", a VERY dangerous combination! For a long time, I pictured Shatner giving his unique treatment to the old Rolling Stones chestnut, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" (in my mind, one of the VERY FEW times The Stones got even close to writing a decent song). Armed with not only that but a home recording studio and a bunch of instruments, I proceeded to fiendishly decontruct said ditty and "Shatnerize" it if you will. The end result can now be seen on You Tube, CLICK HERE, I DOUBLE DOG DARE YA!!!!!!!!!!!
There'll never be another Thelonious Monk, that's for absolute certain. This has been spending a lot of time in my player of late. A rare foray for Monk into big band territory (a "smallish" big band of about 10 players including his regular quartet at the time in the 60's) with arrangements crafted by Hall Overton , Monk spins forth some of his most witty and utterly unpredictable jazz compositions with even more twists and turns, colors and shades. This was originally taped on December 30, 1963 at Symphony Hall in New York to a very appreciative audience. Highly recommended!
Happy Friday everyone!