2. You can learn a lot about a person by dancing with them
3. It takes a person with a big heart and an equal intelligence to admit they’re wrong about something; likewise, it takes a person with a tiny heart and an even smaller intelligence to have to ALWAYS be right all the time, it’s people like these that start cults.
4. The 9 most dreaded words in the English language: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.
5. Never live or die by other people’s opinions of you. Even your detractors will grudgingly respect you for sticking to your guns and holding onto your principles
6. There's no such thing as useless information
7. Much like a car in neutral will go nowhere, a person who is neutral will live likewise.
8. Life is way too short, too rich and too worthwhile to spend hours in front of a TV
9. Clichéd but still true, if something sounds too good to be true, it very likely is just that.
10. ANY group that claims that they’re the ONLY ones on the whole planet doing it right, is presided over by a loud, egocentric, fast-talking charismatic leader, makes a lot of grandiose promises and/or tries to make you feel inadequate/guilty or somehow less than worthy a person if you don’t sign on to their cause is one that must be avoided at all costs.
11. Legislation will NEVER fix or change problems that are deeply rooted in the human soul
12. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and foolishly expecting a different result
13. If George W Bush tells you that you're doing a great job, your career, political or otherwise IS TOAST!
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