Time after time, Dana really outdones herself and proved once again that the Bush Administration is a dangerous carrier of contagious stupidity, incompetence and ignorance. One particular incident occurred October 26, 2007 when a reporter quizzed her regarding the missile defense shield proposed for Eastern Europe and how it compared to the Cuban Missile Crisis, she of course was a deer in the headlights, trying desperately to concoct an answer, the best she could do was a "they're not the same thing" reply with little or no substance to it. A short time later, she appears on an NPR Radio quiz show called "Wait--Wait--Don't Tell Me", she FINALLY admitted she had NO idea what the Cuban Missile Crisis was at all (she had to ask her husband about it, he was shocked to put it mildly). HERE is a written transcript of her appearance, One news story HERE. Another incident on March 20, 2008 involved her spectacular bungling about how Bush and Cheney disregard opinion polls, and in the end, Genius Girl winds up painting the picture that Bush strives to be unpopular. Hmmm, quite interesting considering Bush is too damned lazy to strive for much of anything in the way of humility or common sense. The details HERE
And MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann has featured her MANY incompetencies on his Countdown broadcasts, among some of them were his "Worst Person In The World Award", the "Cuban Missile Crisis incident"and the lies regarding the National Intelligence Estimate Part One and Part Two
Not a big deal you might say? Well, let's face facts, this kind of ignorance of history, inexcusable stupidity, bungling and intellectual shallowness is sadly de rigeur for the Bush Administration as a whole, completely antithetical to what this country stands for. No wonder our credibility as a nation is zero to none in many countries, because we ALLOW idiots free reign! This just should not be! It's things like this that make a compelling case for a MANDATORY IQ Test for anyone that runs for national office and anyone that is appointed by said candidates if they win the office. And ANYTHING below 130 should be considered a FAILING grade. George Walker Bush, you're going to stay after school young man!!!
And an interesting fact about Dana Perino, she was on A DEBATE TEAM at Colorado State University-Pueblo!!!!????????
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