No matter how much Hitlary tries to paint herself as having integrity and being a great leader, one cannot avoid the disturbing facts.
Jerry Zeifman, a former Chief Counsel on the Judiciary Committe fo the US House of Representatives remembers one Hillary Rodham-Clinton very well in fact. Even at the age of 27, Hillary was one scheming, conniving ruthless witch during the Watergate investigation, unethical and deceitful as could be. Such that when the Wateragte investigation was over, Zeifman outright FIRED Hillary from the committee and even further, REFUSED (again to his credit) to write a letter of recommendation for her.
What bought this on? Hillary and several colleagues on the committee conspired to deny then president Richard Nixon the right to legal counsel, Nixon's counsel, one E. Howard Hunt, if put on the stand, definitely had the goods on Senator Ted Kennedy and some nefarious misdeeds of his. It was Kennedy's counsel Burke Marshall who got Hillary the job on the Judiciary Committe in the first place. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I knew Hillary was a no-good lying snake from the start, I just didn;t realize the true extent, and there are more details on Jerry Zeifman's site HERE
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