Wednesday, May 21, 2008

25 Years In The Slammer for Boy Band Creator

Can you sense my joy, my overwhelming euphoria and glee?

It's official folks, Lou Pearlman, the low-life swindler/con-artist and purveyor of such musical abominations as The Backstreet Boys, N'Sync et al got himself 25 years in Federal prison for swindling individual investors and banks out of some $300 million since the 1980's.

U.S. District Judge G. Kendall Sharp, if perchance we meet in person, I'd not only like to shake your hand but also buy you dinner to thank you for putting away this arrogant, greedy lowest form of pond slime! Not only for the swindling/bilking part, but for inflicting that God-Awful Boy-Band crap on us as well! This dumba$$'s sentence is well deserved!

A St Petersburg Times story HERE

Monday, May 19, 2008

Extremely Thin Books / Books That'll NEVER Be Published

1) Brilliant War Strategies by Donald Rumsfeld

2) Hypocrisy Is Profitable by Newt Gingrich

3) The Return to Marital Faithfulness by Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Newt Gingrich

4) Prepare for ANY Emergency by Michael Brown

5) The Pursuit of Intellectual Greatness by George W. Bush and Kanye West

6) Ethics and Integrity In Journalism by Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch

7) More Profiles In Courage by George W Bush and Ted Kennedy

8) The Power of Hot Air by Rush Limbaugh

9) The Art of Conversation and Listening by Bill O'Reilly

10) The Power of Indecision by George HW Bush

11) The Constitution? OVERRATED! by John Ashcroft

12) Shrew Is For You by Hillary Clinton

13) Under Oath: How I ALWAYS Told The Truth by Alberto Gonzalez

14) Self Control and Civil Behavior by Foxy Brown and 50 Cent

15) How To Talk English Real Good by Dan Quayle

16) Non-Violent Justice by Janet Reno

17) A Guide to Kindness and Humiliy by Karl Rove

18) How To Outrun Angry Mobs by Sean Hannity

19) Increase Your IQ by Jessica Simpson and Mariah Carey

20) Secrets Of A Lasting Marriage by Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Still Thinking of Voting Republican?

Still thinking of voting Republican this fall? Well, you might want to get a look at a certain website before doing so. Now to be fair, the Democrats have had their share of criminals on parade too (most notably Bill and Hillary), but I honestly think we've been giving the Republicans a free pass for far too long. This is the party that STILL claims to be the good guys, the ones who stand for morality, decency, American values and The Constitution.

In reality, their words and actions could not be further apart. Besides the obvious high profile criminals and traitors like the entire Bush administration, Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, Bernard Kerik, Mark Sijander (the MI congressman who is now under indictment for money laundering for terrorists) and such, there's plenty more at various levels of Federal, State and Local government who have permanently sullied their own reputations but that of the Republican party as well, all beyond any repair. And in doing so, have damaged the reputation of the US as a nation, all without the slightest bit of remorse.

But don't take my word for it, facts speak for themselves, take some time and browse through and see for yourself.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Star Trek Fights A Lot Like----BATMAN?

You know, the more I watch old reruns of the original Star Trek series with William Shatner and the whole crew, I cannot help but notice some of the fight scenes, and how much they resemble the hilariously goofy fight scenes of the old 1960's Batman TV show.

Well, wanting to become a little more familiar with my new video editing software, I put together this little montage of Star Trek fight scenes, the way they should've been, click HERE to watch. Not responsible for coffee, soda or other liquids or solids spewed on keyboards.