Still thinking of voting Republican this fall? Well, you might want to get a look at a certain website before doing so. Now to be fair, the Democrats have had their share of criminals on parade too (most notably Bill and Hillary), but I honestly think we've been giving the Republicans a free pass for far too long. This is the party that STILL claims to be the good guys, the ones who stand for morality, decency, American values and The Constitution.
In reality, their words and actions could not be further apart. Besides the obvious high profile criminals and traitors like the entire Bush administration, Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, Bernard Kerik, Mark Sijander (the MI congressman who is now under indictment for money laundering for terrorists) and such, there's plenty more at various levels of Federal, State and Local government who have permanently sullied their own reputations but that of the Republican party as well, all beyond any repair. And in doing so, have damaged the reputation of the US as a nation, all without the slightest bit of remorse.
But don't take my word for it, facts speak for themselves, take some time and browse through http://www.republicanoffenders.com/ and see for yourself.
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