Lots seems to be worthy of curmudgeonly scrutiny this week, so here goes;
1) You're Kidding, RIGHT?: Just as you thought the TSA/Homeland Security/FAA Axis of Asinine couldn't get any more so, these bozos foist upon us a whole slew of ridiculously complex and totally UNNECESSARY regulations regarding taking BATTERIES on a plane flight! Seems these intelligence deficient dimwits are sooooo paranoid that a lithium-ion battery might explode (a'la Sony), so just because of something that were isolated incidents, these uber-doofuses have nothing better to do than punish and frustrate air travellers even more than they already have been. Read more HERE and of course, the full text, straight from the horse's a$$.
2) Have The Pod People Invaded?: What have you done with the REAL George WMS Bush? In the past week, our Smiling Idiot In Chief had a RARE moment of intelligence and signed into law, a bill that actually TOUGHENED the Freedom of Information Act, for instance requiring that ALL FOI requests be addressed within 20 days, establishes a hot line for problems, an ombudsman and a system to track the progress (or lack thereof) of their requests. This was done without much fanfare and no comment from GWB, but I bet at close range you could hear him cursing under his breath as he held the pen. He realized all too late that his demands for increasing government secrecy and going against the Constitution are starting to bite him in the ass, you can bet this was PURELY a desperate last-ditch political move on Bush's part. If he had his way, the Freedom of Information Act would've been repealed altogether. The AP story HERE. OK George, what's the REAL story here?
3) The Central Incompetence Agency Strikes Again: No doubt you've heard the recent flap over the CIA's willful destruction of videotaped evidence of harsh interrogations performed on suspected terrorists using waterboarding and maybe other forms of torture (and I thought we were supposed to be the good guys), in CLEAR WILLFUL VIOLATION of a Federal court order and warnings from Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif. and others. Their excuse, that the identity of the interrogators would be revealed, utter and complete BS!!!! I honestly believe the REAL reason is to cover Bush's ass so he can continue lying about how "We don't torture---" which is pretty obvious that he is lying. Well guys. your little scheme FAILED, just like nearly everything else the CIA does anymore (and that's what you get for letting a Clinton-era sniveling weasel like George Tenet continue to head the CIA for ANY length of time. Even now he's gone, the CIA is STILL screwing up right and left). I honestly get the impression that the old "Get Smart" TV series wasn't far off. Well now, I'm sure much to Bush's utter horror and chagrin, the Justice Department under Michael Mukasey's leadership is conducting a criminal investigation into the whole matter, seeming at least to live up his promise of an independent Justice Department that will say NO to the president if need be (one could hope). I just hope Bush doesn't try pulling a Richard Nixon and re-enact the infamous "Saturday Night Massacre" of October 1973 that led to his downfall. But then again, he just might, given his rather, shall we say suicidal tendencies. More HERE
4) The Office: OK, you'd think that an Americanized version of a hit British TV series would be lame city, right? Nope, quite the opposite in this instance. The American take on The Office is pure comedic gold!! With a brilliant ensemble cast headed by comedic actor Steve Carrell, this NBC series shows in merciless detail the hijinks and extremely hilarious dysfunctionality of a number of employees of the Dunder-Mifflin paper products company in Scranton PA (also home of the phenomenal Police tribute band Scrantonicity, which later, a lot like Germany's Amon Duul, split into 2 factions, the other being Scrantonicity II), and Carrell's hapless boss character Michael Scott, regional manager of Dunder-Mifflin's Scranton PA branch. One episode for example has Michael accidentally hitting the office drunk with his car. Ridden with artificially induced guilt, he cajoles his co-workers into doing a 5K run to fight, RABIES! (complete with giant check made out to "SCIENCE"). I don't even have time to write of all the hilarious sub-plots that weave in and out fo each other but suffice it to say, especially ANYONE who works in the corporate world, watch this and see if there's not a least a little something that you can relate to and laugh at. Odd trivia notes,
a) Creed Bratton is played by Creed Bratton himself, who was a member of the late 60's hit pop band The Grass Roots
b) The catchy piano-based theme song is written by none other than Jay Ferguson, former lead singer of the great late 60's/70's psychedelic band Spirit. Which inevitably leads to:
With a few hits already under their belt (I Got A Line On You, 1984, Mechanical World etc), in 1970, Spirit turned out its undisputed masterpiece, combining the catchy songwriting of Jay Ferguson and the rest of the band, the Hendrix-esque guitar pyrotechnics of Randy California (who previous to Spirit's formation actually gigged with Jimi Hendrix in New York), elements of jazz, folk and psychedelic rock plus relentless studio experimentation. A veritable feast of many flavors that unfolds new details every time out. Tracks like "Nature's Way" and "Mr Skin" (a tribute to their bald drummer Ed Cassidy, who was Randy California's step-dad) became hits as well.
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