Soooo, the Republicans are out to fight terrorism and all, eh? And the Republicans are the Good Guys, right? Well, I'd seriously rethink that position if I was you. It's NOT the same Republican party as when Ronald Reagan was in office.
In yet ANOTHER flagrant display of typical latter-day Republican hypocrisy, extreme stupidity and complete lack of morals, conscience or decency, former Michigan Republican Congressman and former UN Ambassador Mark Deli Siljander, is now under the gun with a 42 COUNT indictment that includes money laundering, conspiracy and obstructing justice for allegedly lying about lobbying senators on behalf of an Islamic charity that authorities said was secretly sending funds to Al Queda and the Taliban. Nice going there genius!!! An AP story HERE
Meanwhile our Smiling Idiot In Chief, Traitorous George is partying with his buddies in the Saudi government/royal family and trying to solve the Mideast conflicts (while he couldn't be bothered with affairs in his own country unless it involves illegal surveillance of American citizens) and of course, making a $20 billion dollar arms sale deal with the Saudis, who you know darn well will turn around and give said arms to terrorists for the right price. And all I can say is WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE? Story HERE
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