All told, it's for the staggering amount of 3.1 TRILLION dollars, and you can bet a good chunk will be for this continuing pointless fraud of a war that he's still pursuing in Iraq. Of course, there's that proposed bailout of people caught up in the morass and aftermath of the sub-prime mortgage debacle (which I hate to say, a lot of people got into this mess because they weren't using their heads to begin with), and of course, there's money wasting entities like Homeland Security, Dept. of Education and others like that. Worse yet, Bright Boy proposes this outrageous amount AND THE INCOMING REVENUE IS FAR LESS! (approx 2.7 trillion) Do you see the inherent idiocy here?
Yes, I do think that tax cuts are good and necessary to stimulate our economy, no argument there. But the GOP are so damned stupid because they DON'T cut unnecessary spending which incurs these obscene deficits in the first place! Part of me I admit is mad as hell for the Nixon administration's braindead decision back in the 70's to start printing money with NOTHING to back it up, which certainly has NOT helped any and gave us odious inflation.
'Ol George seems to think he's Lyndon Johnson, who presided over a whopping 39% increase in government spending in his 1 term presidency. George's LBJ-wannabe tendencies sure came out when he was first running and promised big budget SURPLUSES by 2010 and abalanced budget EVERY year of his presidency. Only thing that happened is we got a huge surplus of BS, lies and inexcusable waste and fraud. Plus, Bright Boy again has the dubious honor of having his administration start and end in the shadow of a recession (to be fair, he didn't start it, it was already happening in the tail end of the Clinton administration).
The irony is, 'ol George blasts the Dems for excessive taxaton and spending (no denying that) but dang, the GOP are determined to outdo them at every turn. COnservative? Not on your life!
A story HERE
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