It is Friday though, and time to look at a few oddities and absurdities:
1) Life Imitating Art # 555,128: A Swiss automotive firm took a cue from a certain James Bond movie ("The Spy Who Loved Me"), and has created an actual submersible sports car called the sQuba. So far, able to achieve a maximum depth of 33ft, it is propelled underwater with 2 rear props and water-jets up front (all electrical). Don't hold your breath for a regular production model just yet, and speaking of which, it's NOT an enclosed cabin, you have to wear scuba gear when going down under, more HERE and a video from the Auto Channel HERE and another HERE
2) And Speaking Of Amphibious Cars: There was the ill-fated German Amphicar produced from 1961 to 1968. Not exactly a great success (though a novel idea), between it's whopping 43 horsepower engine and rather inadequate waterproofing and a bad tendency for water to get in the engine compartment. However, to this day, there are a number of car collectors the world over who still have a jones for this quirky little hybrid. You can see some video footage HERE of one of the beasts in action.
3) Kudos For Keith Olbermann, The Anti-O'Reilly: Nothing like some commentary that will have you laughing your ass off and thinking about events at hand at the same time. Special kudos go to the ferociously funny and ever insightful Keith Olbermann now on MS-NBC for his "Countdown" segments of news and commentary. Originally making his reputation as a sports journalist for a number of networks (ESPN, Fox Sports, the ABC radio network and more), Keith evolved into one the most incisive, witty and brilliant commentators I've seen in years. I admire him for actually researching his facts, having a no holds barred/take no prisoners approach in his commentaries (peppered with TONS of humor and wit) sticking to his guns and maintaining a sort fo integrity rather foreign to a lot of US media anymore. Plus, ANYONE who can routinely skewer False News with as much style and biting wit like Keith does is VERY cool in my book! One of my favorite parts of his "Countdown" segment is the "Worst Person In The World" segment where he profiles a well-known buffoon deserving of his brand of ridicule (like "comedian Rush Limbaugh" for instance). He doesn't play favorites (although Fox News does get the lions share of ridicule, and rightly so for its rather pathetic attempts at journalism) liberals and GOP-er's (I DARE NOT call them conservatives) alike will feel his humor-laced wrath (with JS Bach's "Tocotta & Fugue in D Minor" playing in the background). His "BUSHED" segments are priceless too! But don't just take my word for it, check him out yourself, tear yourself away from Fixed News long enough to get a good dose of laughs and biting commentary. Keith has a blog called The News Hole HERE, and of course, you can watch him online HERE. Also a good article on his life and career HERE
4) Hilary Is Losing Support In Droves: I LOVE THIS!! Hitlary Clinton is on the ropes about now in this nail-biter of contention for the Democratic party nomination. In the grand scheme of things this Owl opines, that could only be a good thing. Where once she looked like a shoo-in for the Dems, now the tide is turning in Obama's favor so far. She has two crucial primaries in Texas and Ohio to win if she has even a slight hope of coming out on top. However, I think her power-hungry nanny-state message and her still icy/domineering manner and of course the baggage of her trailer-trash ex-pres husband aren't helping her case terribly much (one could hope at least). One perspective HERE
5) Beware Of Falling Spy Satellites: Gotta love this, a bus-sized spy satellite, completely non-functional and carrying an incredibly toxic type of fuel onboard (hydrazine) is wobbling out of orbit. This has caused enough concern for our Smiling Idiot In Chief to give the order to shoot it down with a missle. So about this Wednesday or so, a modified missle will be launched from an aircraft carrier, on orders from George Dubbaya. Hooo Boy! So then, does this mean that the Space Station will get shot down instead? Will the missle fall back to Earth and hit New Jersey? Whooo knows. In any case, get out your umbrellas folks (it worked for Wile E. Coyote, didn't it?). More details HERE
But despite that, HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!
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