1) George W. Bush's Trial and Execution By Firing Squad For Treason: Namely for KNOWINGLY allowing Osama Bin Laden to escape and for conspiracy to commit treason by way of planning to ram through the Dubai Ports World sale of several of our ports operation to an Arab terrorist-supporting state, namely Dubai. And to say nothing of his too-cozy relationship with the terrorist-supporting Saudi Royal Family. And then there's the matter of a really half-a$$ed job in Afghanistan where the Taliban were merely chased off, as opposed to ANNIHILATING and mercilessly destroying them as they should've been before they could do any more harm. In all these things, Bush remorselessly sold us out to the enemy.
2) A Mandatory Intelligence/Competency Test For Federal Office Seekers/Holders: ANYONE seeking Federal office should be subjected to a rigorous intelligence/competency test before even being allowed to run for office and NOBODY with an IQ below 140 would be allowed to run for ANY office or hold any office, period! Brainless morons like Bush have NO place in the White House or ANY office, period! Haven't we had enough?
3) A Federal Law That Prohibits ANYONE With The Last Names of Bush or Clinton For EVER Running For Office Anywhere At Any Time: Haven't we had enough incompetence, stupidity and lawless shenanigans from these two infamous families already?.
4) A Federal Law That Prohibits ANYONE With Ties to Oil/Energy, Pharmaceutical or Banking Industries From Running For Office: Enough said!
5) The Mass Arrest and Permanent Deportation Of The Republican Party: The last 18 years have seen the Republican Party go from bad to worse in terms of rampant corruption, wanton criminal behavior (see
http://www.republicanoffenders.com/ for just a partial listing of their shenanigans) complete abandonment of conservative principles, lust for power, offering up incompetent and vacuous candidates (like BOTH Bushes and Bob Dole) isn't it time we stopped giving these amoral morons a free pass? Remember, the turn to evil began with George HW Bush.
6) The Complete Removal of Our Armed Forces From ALL Foreign Countries: Let's face it folks, our military has been overextended and stretched PAST the breaking point. We NEED our troops right here to defend OUR borders. My concern is that if we are attacked again, can we defend ourselves and even retaliate? I dare say, in our present state, we're screwed (NO THANKS to Clinton/Gore AND Bush/Cheney and Rumsfeld's total incompetence). The very idea that we should should fight every country's battles for them is just plain foolish and stupid. We CANNOT be everyone's parent. Our military needs to be ready to defend US first.
America First! Pat Buchanan had it right from Day One!7) Shutting Down the Department of Homeland Security: This utterly worthless agency has not only wasted millions of our tax dollars but created a climate of fear in its overreaching violations of our constitutional rights, placed odious regulations and burdens on air travelers by treating all air travelers as presumed terrorists, and just simply being a bunch of paranoid Gestapo-wannabes. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS I SAY!
8) Elimination Of The Two Party System: Between the Republican's rampant criminal behavior, disrespect for the Constitution and the rights of Americans and the Democrats all-too-pronounced Socialist leanings, we NEED a real choice going forward. It is INHERENTLY undemocratic and UNAMERICAN that only two well-heeled and long entrenched parties bankrupt of ideas or decency u are allowed to rule. It's WAY PAST TIME that the Libertarians, The Constitution Party , The Populists and Independent people were allowed to take part in the democratic process.