This empty-headed blowhard/ignoramous sure loves to get on people's bad side and perpetuate Republican Party/Fox News fear-mongering like few I've seen (excepting of course the UNHOLY trinity of O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity) , and of course, the latest of her outrages being accusing Dunkin' Donuts and Rachel Ray of "selling terrorism" by way of A PAISLEY SCARF that Rachel was wearing in an ad, of course, Malkin immediately just had to start something by publicly implying that the scarf was a garment worn by Jihadists (FACT: It was NOT), and next thing you know, Dunkin' Donuts, in a glaring moment of spinelessness and acquiescence to these fear-mongering pinheads, pulls the ad and issues an apology that was completely unnecessary. What they should've done was stand their ground and confront Ms Malkin on her ignorance of facts, her remorseless bullying and her morbid need to stir fear, paranoia and suspicion for her own gain, harassment and possibly even slander, not to mention her journalistic incompetence! But then again, expecting journalistic competence, ethics and integrity from ANYBODY associated with Fox News (she was until late 2007 on the "O'Reilly Factor" show) is like expecting a caveman to do brain surgery.
Another thing that gets me is that Ms Malkin is labeld a "Conservative Commentator", which is factually inaccurate. The Republican Party is labeled "Conservative" but nothing could be further from the truth. The GOP and people like Malkin are about as conservative as Stalin.
To Ms Malkin, I say SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BRAINLESS IDIOT!!!! Someday, your asinine pronouncements will come back and bite you, hopefully in the form of a lawsuit or two or three and hopefully the end of your career! If you are drummed out of ANY media arena and publically called out for the incompetent, ignorant fraud you are, I'll throw a party!
And my sincerest condolences to Rachel Ray for all the BS you've had to endure from these cretinous idiots like Malkin et al. I feel your pain and completely sympathize with you.
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