Rapper/Egotist/Professional Dumba$$ Kanye West got a rather mild dose of what's coming to him very recently at the annual Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival. First off, the Bonnaroo people did make a rather questionable judgement in having him perform in the first place, given Bonnaroo 's reputation for presenting some wildly ecclectic and genuinely creative music on its many stages. Creativity is something that Kanye West could definitely NOT be accused of.
After requesting numerous delays and postponements, Mr. West settled on a 2:45 am time slot after Pearl Jam wrapped up their fiery set. Next thing you know, more delays, and the crowd is getting pretty danged restless and impatient by this point (at least the ones who were still awake). Meanwhile, Mr West's entourage is building this massive and over-the top stage set, first red flag. Next red flag, NO BAND, it would be him (allegedly) performing to computer generated Pro-Tools tracks. And at 4:25 am, Mr Dumba$$ finally takes the stage, ego on display as usual, but what he didn't figure in (naturally, an overfed ego does not allow for rational thought or foresight) was this crowd's justified annoyance and even anger at his shenanigans. And you thought Guns 'n Roses was bad? And worse yet, the eventually rising sun washed out the light show (BOOOOO FREAKIN' HOOOOOO!)
Before long, the crowd is telling him in no uncertain terms that he sucks and pelts him with plastic glow sticks. He should consider himself pretty danged lucky, it could've been bottles or worse. I side with the crowd on this one, I mean, you pay good money, put up witha lot of aggravation and uncertainty at an outdoor festival to start with, but man, being jerked around by someone with an ego the size of Texas and the brain of an amoeba just ain;t worth it, especially when it's a bunch of dumbaSSed, lame gangsta rap? That goes beyond unacceptable. Who in their right mind would pay premium prices to see karaoke? Sorry Kanye, people are waking up and seeing how lame you really are, and I honestly hope that people will one day wake up to the fact of how utterly lame Rap is as a whole.
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