After deciding a number o flower-grade cases, it came time to decide 3 very MAJOR contentions which were:
1) Treatment of Guantanamo Bay Detainees: Here, the justices in a close 5-4 decision gave Genius-Boy George Dubbaya a well-deserved bashing over the head. Their decision maintained in essence that detainees cannot not be held indefinitely without being informed of charges against them, without trial, without counsel or without hearings. This simply just reiterates what is already stated in the Constitution, international law as well as just plain decency and common sense (something the Republicans and Bush completely lack altogether).
2) Reaffirming Second Amendment Rights: Although it should be no mystery to anyone with half a mind, the Second Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
In a very historic 5-4 decision, after many years of near silence on the issue, the justices essentially reaffirmed our constitutional right to bear arms for home and individual protection. This was precipitated by a legal challenge to Washington DC's draconian handgun ban. Predictably, the gun control crowd is running scared, whining that it'll be like the Wild West all over again. Personally, I don't buy that bit of hogwash when it has been shown many times over that an armed citizenry does in fact take a bite out of crime. At least SOME people are getting the message (The Supreme Court namely), that we DO NOT need gun control, but rather, we need CRIME CONTROL (a whole different ballgame altogether). More commentary HERE
3) Prohibition of Death Penalty for Child Rape: Here's where I VEHEMENTLY disagree with the justices. Although it may be legally and technically correct, morally and ethically, I just cannot get behind this one decision. The damage done to a child by sexual assault is lasting and very deep. To me, the ONLY fitting penalty for this or ANY kind of rape is death.
But #3 notwithstanding, I am really proud of our justices and their willingness to tackle some tough issues head on, again, their courage has COMPLETELY put to shame the Executive and Legislative branches of our government. This Owl salutes and thanks all nine of you, your summer break is well earned indeed!
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