1) Justice Is A Dish Best Served Cold: Gotta love this! In the wake of genius-boy Not So Speedy Gonzalez's resignation (the ONLY person still defending him was George DUMBaya), looks like the Justice Department's Inspector General, one Glenn Fine has been freed up to investigate whether this sniveling incompetent was in fact lying to or misleading Congress with his testimony regarding the firing of several US Attorneys and the illegal warrantless surveillance program. I say, GO GET 'EM GLENN!!! Senator Patrick Leahy's letter to Mr. Fine raising concerns on a number of issues was not wasted apparently, and though I'm no fan of the Democrats, I do at least give 'em credit for wanting to hold these shamelessly amoral bastards accountable for politicizing the Justice Department (I just wonder where was the outrage when Janet Reno was pulling one spectacular blood-drenched screw-up after another while covering Clinton and Gore's a$$es). One could only hope this leads to the Bush Gang going down in flames eventually. More details HERE. And some comments from Senator Leahy HERE
2) GOP - The Party In Denial; How did it happen? How did the Republicans go from being the party of Lincoln to the party of intrusive big government, out of control spending, SHAMELESS LACK OF MORALS, intellectual bankruptcy, celebrators of incompetence, puppets of corporations and not a clue as to what's really happening around them. Yeah, I know, it's too big a question to ponder in one blog post, but the signs are obvious and numerous. This past week, it came to light that one GOP-er by the name of Larry Craig got himself deservedly busted for lewd conduct in the men's room of a Minnesota airport. He plead guilty (amazingly enough), now he comes out saying he shouldn't have plead guilty and that he's not gay. Uhhhhh, yeah, right buddy.
This is just typical of many GOP types anymore, on the one hand, they trumpet themselves as beacons of honesty, morality, small government etc, but in reality, have demonstrated themselves as anything but that, and the denial that anything's wrong is just mind-blowing! The Republicans can blame "liberals" and "terrorists" all they want for their problems, but the fact is, they've got only themselves to blame for their descent into mediocrity, amorality, incompetence, greed and stupidity. Last November, after the Republicans got massacred in the elections, one no less than a raging hypocrite in Newt Gingrich (who while going after Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair was cheating on his own wife), wrote an unusually honest appraisal in the Atlanta Journal Constitution as to why the GOP lost so spectacularly. He admitted that people got power hungry, greedy, threw competence out the window and became all too willing to compromise morals to get what they wanted. The shenanigans of ruthless and shady characters like Tom DeLay, Ralph Reed, Mark Foley, George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzalez, John Ashcroft, Larry Craig, Harriet Miers (who once remarked that "George W Bush was the smartest man she's ever met". HUH????????????), Michael "You're Doing A Hell Of A Job" Brown and numerous other incompetent and amoral slime should be evidence enough this party needs to be annihilated altogether, ALONG WITH THE DEMOCRATS for much the same reasons. Time for some fresh thinking, we need more folks like the Libertarians or The Constitution Party and others to step up to the plate, time to end this unfair duopoly of the Republicrats who seek to stifle innovation and forward thinking at all costs.
3) This Can't Be True #381: In Russia, a man was arrested for, get this, STEALING A BRIDGE!!!??? Yes, it really happened, some nimrod with nothing better to do used some kind of construction vehicle to steal a 5 meter bridge span, after which he chopped it up and sold it for scrap metal. Here's the story
4) Location, Location, Location!!!: In Karlshoefen Germany, one unfortunate Manfred Sedlazek has found his house being smashed into by errant cars and trucks on a repeated basis (10 times at last count). It didn't exactly help that he built his house at the bend of a VERY busy road. You'd think he'd get the idea after the first smashup or two. More HERE
5) Some SERIOUSLY Hungry Spiders?: Looks like some spiders have taken web-spinning to a whole new extreme, going so far as to engulf a 200 yard stretch of walking trail in Texas with their webs, trapping numerous mosquitoes, more HERE
6) Further Proof They Do Things Big and Over The Top In Texas: Take the example of one Kinky Freedman, a true Texas original who can claim many things on his resume, including singer/songwriter (among his other songs, "They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Anymore"), one-time Independent candidate for the governorship of Texas (he lost but still did something very successfully, namely convinced over 600,000 Texas voters to register and vote Independent), author of 25 fiction books (he has a thing for detective novels set in New York), fixture on the lecture circuit and purveyor of such memorable quotes as these;
"Every great artist should be ahead of his time and behind on his rent"
"Musicians can better run this state than politicians. They won't get much done early in the morning but they'll work late and be honest"
Tonight, he'll be the keynote speaker at the Decatur Book Festival in Decatur GA which should definitely be fun and very head turning.
Read up on him HERE and check out his groovy WEBSITE
And Happy Friday To Y'all
Hoo Hooooooooooooooooooooo