2) The Further Misadventures of Howdy-Doody and The Penguin: Amazing to stop and think that right after 9/11 happened, these two said that getting Osama Bin Laden was high prioority. And not long after, it ceased to be one altogether. Well, I bet, after Democatic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama's bold threat of military action against Pakistan if it didn't do its part to stop terrorists (and if he was President, would he have the cajones to actually do it?), Howdy-Doody decides to have a little get together at Camp David with Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf on the whole terrorism thing. Howdy-Doody then issues the greatest no-brainer in more ways than one, and I quote; "--the U.S. and Pakistan, if armed with good intelligence, can track and kill al-Qaida leaders". DUUUUUUHHHHH!!! Well, we all know that George Bush and Intelligence are two things that are EXTREMELY mutually exclusive. Look what this so-called "intelligence" did for us with Iraq. More of the story HERE
3) Brave Crazy AND STOOOOOPID!: In Estonia, a man was arrested for erratic driving. Nope, it wasn't because of alcohol/drug impairment, IT'S BECAUSE HE WAS BLIND! This guy was behind the wheel while his passenger gave him directions and instructions. Needless to say, he in a whole heap 'o trouble, the story HERE
4) Pot, Let Me Introduce You To Kettle: Democratic Presidential hopefuls Obama and Edwards recently took Hitlary to task for defending lobbyists, but really guys, are YOU any different or better than her in that regard? This Owl is curious, more HERE
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