The hapless and cowardly Bush Administration has once again gotten caught with its pants down. The administration has an "advice manual" it refers to (and of course, it wrote it), that covers among other things the regulation of the makeup of audiences/crowds at publically funded events where George Dubbaya and/or Dick "The Penguin" Cheney were present, so that in essence, NOBODY critical or disagreeing with the Bush administration will be allowed to participate in these events. The reasoning goes that if no protesters are there, the media won't see/hear them and the Bush Administration will always be proven right and justified in its positions, no matter how stupid, immoral illegal and just plain wrong. The ACLU's contention is that because these are taxpayer-funded events, the administration has NO RIGHT to exclude anyone from them on the basis of their political views. I never thought this was possible, I actually AGREE with the ACLU on this one. To me, this is another in a long series of disturbing assaults by Bush on the Bill of Rights and The US Constitution, and one that must not go unpunished!
Amazing, aint it, poor George Dubbaya is so paranoid and afraid of ANYBODY disagreeing with him that he has to be this manipulative and controlling, not ot mention intellectually dishonest. But then again, when someone as utterly stupid and lacking in intelligence as George Dubbaya thinks he has much to lose (namely getting his already fragile ego bruised), it should come as no surprise that he always has to be righ at all costs. File this under grasping at straws.
The full story HERE from the ACLU website.
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