1) In Italy, a 61 YEAR OLD MAN WHO IS STILL LIVING WITH HIS MOTHER found himself getting his house keys and allowance taken away, and to top it off, getting hauled into the local police station for staying out late. The dispute was eventually resolved, his keys and allowance restored. Most interesting, Apparently in Italy, it's not unusual for people to live with their parents well into their 30's. The story HERE.
2) Holy Temporal Displacement Batman!: A couple so dismayed at how the world changed after the 1950's has made a defiant stance and decided to live in their favorite decade, utilizing its technology (rotary dial phones for example) furniture and fashions. ABC News Video footage HERE (click on "Time Warp Couple--")
3) No Secret Here: Not that many of us are shocked, but it still isn't right, statistical data bears out the fact that bad bosses are far more often promoted than punished for their misdeeds, the story HERE.
4) Justice Gone Awry: From News Of The Weird,
Judge Harold Kahn of San Francisco thought probation was enough for a woman who had claimed the identity of another (through stolen credit cards) and run up six months of bills and bad credit, and even though the thief was already on probation. (Bonus fact: The victim had collared the perp herself, following a chance meeting, and handed her to police.) [San Francisco Chronicle, 6-15-07]
5) Would You Like Extra Sauce With Those Handcuffs Sir?: I believe this occurred in 2004 in Atlanta, some nimrod calls a Pizza Hut, orders a pizza and then says, "this is a robbery, bring all your cash with the pizza". Bright-Boy then gives his address, and predictably of course, the PO-LEECE were there to haul this Sesame Street dropout to the slammer. If that isn't the most hilariously incompetent attempt at a crime I don't know what is! It darn near sounds like an outtake from Woody Allen's 1968 comedy "Take The Money And Run"
More to follow I'm sure
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