It was a great 5 days on the West Coast for this Owl, between hooking up with some old friends, some jamming (small bit of recording too), LOTS of ocean air and some swimming in the Pacific, bike riding on Newport Beach, BBQ-ing and more, it was a much needed rest for me. Truth be told, it was hard to come back. Thankfully, Atlanta's horrid heatwave had lifted some by the time I got back. And kudos to Delta airlines for very good service and on-time departures and arrivals, this Owl appreciates it to no end. Maybe some of you'se numbskulls over at Northwest (who I had the misfortune of flying on once) could take a tip from the revitalized Delta.
And while I was gone, a few interesting things took place;
1) Keith Richards Demands Apology for Bad Review of Stockholm Stones Concert; Awwwwwwww, poooooorrrr baaaaayyyybaaaaayyy. Is he a corpse in denial or what? In response to a review that among other things described Keith Richards as being super-drunk on stage (like that's anything new), good 'ol Keith (or what remains of him) loudly demanded an apology. Geez Keith, since when should people apologize and bow down to you for telling the truth??! And besides o' decomposing one, your band is DECADES past its prime and should've called it quits 30 years ago! The hilariously sordid story HERE
2) Justice Served Again, Not-So-Speedy Gonzalez Resigns: Looking very much like a frightened passenger on a train about to derail at 90mph, our hapless, lying sorry excuse for an AG Alberto Gonzalez announced his resignation, effective next month. His shallow, scripted resignation announcement on live TV was something else, did you notice how FAST he bolted off the stage (probably leaving the director and producer saying "$#%@, how are we gonna fill airtime now?") as if saying, "I'm gettin' offa this train wreck!" Well Not-So-Speedy Gonzalez (whose NEVER tried a case of any type), just because you resigned doesn't mean you're off the hook 'cause you have LOTS to answer for buddy boy! And not only that, unless Howdy Doody can find some spineless yes-man to replace him and cover his a$$, he's lost his last line of defense against investigation and impeachment (one could hope at least). I can only hope this utterly amoral, spineless, hapless, greedy and incompetent administration goes down in flames like the Hindenburg as a result of this particular event. Watch a CNN Video HERE
3) Michael Vick Goes To The Dogs: It's one thing to publicly apologize but man, this brainless male bimbo just goes on and on and on! Worse yet, like other idjiots and no-gooders (Paris Hilton and Manuel Noriega for example), he tries to play the old "I Found Jesus" card (or some variation thereof), in order to try to get off the hook in people's eyes. Ain't gonna happen, and besides, Jesus Himself does NOT appreciate being used as a means of manipulation. He seems to only partially take responsibility for his heinous misdeeds. It'd be poetic justice if Vick found himself attacked by a mob of angry dogs one day. One could only hope.
4) MORE Band Names: Still in a quandary about naming your band, well, the Owl has a few more for ya:
Xerox Atrocities
What Do You Want For Free?
Hot Air Enthusiast Club
The Clean Cut Hagmans
Police Donuts
Mal O'Propism
Lunesta Death Moth
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