1) Fair and Balanced? HAH!!! You're kidding, right? These guys are nothing more than an unthinking, unquestioning propaganda machine for the desperately incompetent Bush administration. And I tell ya, Sean Hannity alone makes me want to punch his lights out for being such an egocentric obnoxious Bush-worshiping blowhard! And don't even get me started on Bill O'Reilly-------. The only thing fair and balanced about this joke of a network is that it allows a number of pro-Bushites to present their OPINIONS as indisputable gospel truth, as opposed to actually OBJECTIVELY reporting news, sadly, something that seems to have gone the way of The Twist and rotary dial phones. And then there's CNN, the Clinton News Network-- (however to their credit, they have Jack Cafferty, something Fox News doesn't have the stones to even contemplate)
2) The Barbie & Ken Syndrome: Just like CNN and pretty much ALL American networks, there's the requisite vacuous, plastic and utterly obnoxious on-air personalities that have the personality of, well, a Barbie or Ken doll, all looks, ZERO substance and go on forever and ever about NOTHING!! If these vacuous pretty boys/girls had to report REAL news, they'd be up a creek!
3) Those Damned Drug Company Ads!!: Another reason I absolutely CANNOT watch Fox news, for every say 15 minutes or so of their neo-con blathering, there's at least 7-10 minutes of these gratuitous, idiotic and UNBEARABLE drug company ads. If you pay attention to a typical Fox News broadcast over an hour or so, you'll see what I mean. Doesn't this strike you as just more than a little suspicious?
4) The Latest Outrage - More Information Control: Now these Bush-worshiping knuckle-dragging Neanderthals (Fox AND the Republican Party) are sponsoring a forum/debate in New Hampshire for the Republican presidential hopefuls, and get this THEY'VE EXCLUDED RON PAUL!! The reasons are screaming obvious, Ron Paul goes totally contrary to the party line (big government, reckless spending, disregard for the Constitution, interventionist foreign policy, supporting dictators and allowing terrorists to get away with it etc). So Fox thinks it's fair and balanced? OH PUHLLLEEEEEEZE!!! This is BLATANT information control, media and political manipulation at its worst, the kind normally occurring in Communist and Islamic dictatorships. A brief story HERE and more HERE.
Fair and balanced? About as fair and balanced as fox guarding the hen house.