Due to the onset of winter, insanity at work, the insanity of the impending holiday season, the delightful insanity of a recent CD release, and various other factors,
the regularly scheduled Friday Follies will not be seen for about 2 weeks, simply to allow me to recharge, take a short vacation in the Catskills in upstate NY, turn a year older, record bass parts for my friend Tony Island's next album, get some rest/brief hibernation, envy bears for their ability to hibernate, listen for owls, count my blessings, watch Batman re-runs, take up fretless bass, engage in debates regarding pale ale vs. stout, ponder the meaning of Steely Dan lyrics and various other pleasures. But fear not loyal reader, the Friday Follies WILL be back, with an ever lovin' fangs-bared vengeance!
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