1) How can we continue to claim a moral high-ground when ALL THREE branches of government in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions and international law approve, condone and encourage the use of torture (waterboarding for example, which was also used by the Spanish Inquisition and The Nazis), Especially in light of events this week surrounding a revelation that the CIA destroyed taped evidence of a torture/interrogation session. Bush has sure been quiet on this one, you think that Bright Boy George WMS Bush (WMS = Weapon of Mass Stupidity) might have something to hide. Especially since he VEHEMENTLY denies that we use torture, lying right ot our faces just like Bill Clinton did many times duuring his reign of error. Sure, the Democrats are putting on their usual "staged outrage" over this, but of course, these are the same spineless dolts who let the Protect America Act, The Patriot Act and other assaults on the Constitution go through.
2) The Department of Homeland Insecurity headed by Michael Chertoff now have started to implement this brilliant idea straight out of George Orwell's 1984 which involves firemen doing double duty as domestic spies. Say if your house catches on fire, they can go in, rifle through your stuff and report ANYTHING (no matter how ridiculous or insignificant) they deem "suspicious" You KNOW it's only a matter of a very short time before people who read books critical of the Bush administration will be put on the FBI's watch list, as well as anyone who dares to disagree with ANY administration policy, not to mention people who LEGITIMATELY own firearms. Here's a Fox News VIDEO (ironically enough) about this program. The fact that this can be carried out WITHOUT a search warrant is profoundly disturbing to me!
3) VIOLENT RADICALIZATION HOMEGROWN TERRORISM PREVENTION ACT OF 2007, Senate Bill 1959. Probably the MOST BLATANT assault on our Constitutional rights to date. This bill wold allow a presdient to arbitrarily declare ANYONE he wanted toa terrorist or subversive organization and bypass due process of law among other forms of unconstitutional police-state tactics. And get this, it was sponsored by a Dumb-O-Crat (the same ones who get all outraged for show at George WMS Bush's attemtps to throw the Constitution in the garbage, and of course do the exact same things themselves) by the name of Rep. Jane Harman [D-CA] (TRAITOR!!!!). Read the full text of the bill HERE and see if this doesn't get you more than a little hot under tha collar!
4) Quote of Note: "...Of all the men who are the most loathsome, it is those who will sell their friends and comrades for the purpose of conciliating their enemies..."
- Sir Edward Carson
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