Given where we are as a nation right now, I would LOVE to see these national holidays and good excuses to fire up the BBQ take place;
1) Sovereignty Reclamation Day: Where we as a country FOREVER withdraw our membership from the UN and REVOKE ALL trade treaties with foreign countries for good! And then we BANISH the UN from this country altogether, and the Grand Finale would be the implosion and razing of that infernal UN building in NYC, and it would be broadcast on national TV! What a BEAUTIFUL sight that would be!!
2) Constitution Day: The day that George WMS Bush, Dick "The Penguin" Cheney, " Donald DUMBSfeld, John A$$croft, Alberto "Not So Speedy" Gonzalez, Janet Reno and William Jefferson "Slick Willie" Clinton are all EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD ON NATIONAL TV for heinous acts of treason, abuse of power and violation of oath of office. After which, we start reclaiming our Constitutional rights and making sure that NEVER AGAIN will we allow unscrupulous traitors like the Bushes and Clinton's to ever ruin our country again. And it will be a Federal offense from that point on for ANYONE with the last name of Bush or Clinton to EVER run for ANY kind of elected office.
3) Energy Independence Day: A GLORIOUS day, well hey, let's make it A MONTH LONG PARTY!! Where we tell Saudi Arabia to go straight to Hell and take their oil with them! After an ambitious plan to get ourselves off of foreign oil over the period of a decade or so (just like the Brazilians did) and move to other sources of energy, it'd be just DELIRIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL to tell the Saudis and their ilk they aren't needed or wanted around anymore after all their shady dealings, financing terrorism and playing havoc with world oil markets. After this day, we TERMINATE ALL RELATIONS WITH SAUDI ARABIA FOREVER, and with a stern warning, "Mess With Us, We'll Turn Your Country Into A Radioactive Parking Lot!"
4) Fair Tax Day: The day we ANNIHILATE the IRS forever by act of law, institute the Fair Tax system and for the finale, have a nationally televised public burning of the ENTIRE US Tax Code in front of the Capitol Building. After this, the top honchos of the IRS will be marched off to a plane and banished to Antarctica.
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