OK, the most recent in a LOOOONNNG spate of criminal and PROUDLY MORONIC behavior by rappers is not one, but FOUR separate criminal trials awaiting one Busta Rhymes, 2 for assault and 2 for driving related offenses (one story HERE) And along with him, one 50 Cent (better known to most authorities as Curtis Jackson) just seems to love prison so much (I mean hey, where else is he going to get material for his asinine dunderheaded raps), he gives our boys in blue MANY opportunities to do their job, like a 1994 bust for selling coke and crack, a 2003 illegal weapons bust, and a ton more, plus one of his claims to fame is having been shot 9 times. Now that is REAL artistic credibility! And these are just 2 of I'm sure hundreds or thousands of examples.
The issue I'm getting at here is not individual rappers as such, rather the whole hip-hop/rap culture and its inherent depravity. Would someone endeavor to give me an HONEST, intellectually sound explanation as to why these rappers and their followers:
1) Decry the conditions in the world around them YET do everything they possibly can to DEGRADE the human condition with their violent, racist, mysoginistic, drug-crazed and just plain SENSELESS behavior, talk and complete disregard for decency, remorseless thug behavior and empty-headed unabashed greed and mindless acquisition of "bling". Worse yet, they ENCOURAGE and ADVOCATE such evil and stupidity, and act so flip about it like it doesn't matter? And how can the rap/hip-hop community at large be given a free pass especially when, in 2004, morons like KRS-One very proudly cheered and applauded the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on the premise that it was only aimed at the rich? YOU MORON, it was aimed at EVERYONE, you included! Here's a couple citations of this idiot's ramblings and trying to get off the hook by using the old cop-out, "My Remarks Were Taken Out of Context" (which we ALL know is a flat-out lie) KRS One 9/11 Remarks 1 Remarks 2
And where's the outrage from so-called "leaders" like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on the stupidity and depravity surrounding hip-hop culture? You two have been rather noticeably silent on this whole issue from Day One!2) Claim that they're being artistic, "real" and creative, yet are the most CREATIVELY BANKRUPT A-HOLES' to ever sell records? OK, maybe they get all the legal clearances for samples of other people's music, but you are STILL stealing from other people's ideas and trying to claim them for your own. What's more almost NONE of these guys (rappers or producers) can actually play an instrument and have to rely on computerized gadgets to produce their simplistic, monotonous mind-deadening wares. Intellectual and creative LAZINESS at its worst! This alone is reason that I CANNOT and WILL NOT accept Rap as a valid art form, to me, it's a force of evil and depravity THAT MUST BE ERADICATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH!
What's more, the anti-intellectualism of these guys is unbelievable, evidenced in part by the fact their "vocabulary" is limited to the F, N and S-words and prolific references to pimping, drug use and killing just because they can. These morons perpetuate every known negative stereotype with ZERO remorse and even worse, try to get their audience to buy into a huge lie that doing well in school and succeeding in life by honest hard work is somehow "acting white" (another HUGE cop-out). Kanye West (who ALMOST makes George Dubbaya look intelligent), who I would call Dumbass-In-Chief of all rapdom has been known to tell people that it's stupid and wrong to get an education of any type, and not to mention his grandiose statements of his own perceived historical importance (laughing uncontrollably here). How can ANYONE look up to destructive morons like this is beyond my comprehension!
And I'm painfully aware that ANYONE who outwardly disdains rap/hip-hop is very likely to be labeled a racist/bigot or the current vogue term, "hater". Well, this Owl states for the record that I am NOT racist, never have been, have friends of many nationalities and honestly, I think this whole "racist" or "hater" labeling is a major COP-OUT! I just ain't buying it! Nor should anyone else. One thing I'll NEVER be is politically correct (just another form of institutionalized dishonesty, intellectual laziness and cowardice). I have to ask these guys, "Do you think that Dr Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, C Delores Tucker and many others who took up the cause of civil rights and ending racial discrimination put their very lives at risk just so that MORONS like you could spout off the N-word (a word I HATE passionately) and do all these stupid things to degrade, destroy and hurt your fellow man?
Anyone that thinks that rap/hip-hop and crime aren't connected is SADLY out of touch with reality in this Owl's opinion. Among the more high-profile examples:
1) Death Row Records: Presided over by one Suge Knight, this criminal enterprise had indisputable connections to a Bloods street gang in L.A., a summary fo the whole saga here
2) BMF Entertainment/The BMF: This Atlanta-based crime family/rap label suffered a major setback with the recent arrests of it's head honcho and his now estranged brother on Federal drug trafficking charges. Both are now awaiting trial in a Michigan prison. The short story here and a complete 3-part investigative story on the whole sorry enterprise here
It does my heart good to know I'm not alone in my outrage. Folks like Bill Cosby, Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts, the late C. Delores Tucker and jazz musician Wynton Marsalis have openly taken this mindless culture of destruction and greed to task along with many other folks of various walks of life and ethnicities who are just sick and tired of this stupidity. The chorus of outrage is growing, the tolerance is dwindling, will these moronic rappers and their followers get a clue? Will people who can't parent properly get a clue and learn to STOP this kind of depravity in the home before it starts and spreads to our streets?
Bill Cosby's Famous 2004 Speech/Rant and a CNN article
Wynton Marsalis Interviews about his most recent album, "From The Plantation to the Penitentiary", a scathing critique of hip-hop culture set to some AMAZING deep jazz.
Jazz pianist Kenny Drew sounding off HERE
And Some Recommended Reading:
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