And what's got this Owl hot under the neck-feathers regarding the legal profession (outside of the fact I think we need a raging take-no-prisoners crackdown on these remorseless pirates, but that's another rant by itself)? It's the inexcusable going on 8-month delay of the trial of one Brian Nichols, who on March 11, 2005, for a period of a little more than 24 hours terrorized the Atlanta area by first overpowering and viciously beating a female guard who was escorting him to a courtroom for his rape trial (He seized the opportunity while changing into civilian clothes, something his A-Hole lawyers told him to do, so as not to, "prejudice the jury" by wearing prison garb and shackles. Well he was in shackles for a good reason, this guy is PSYCHOTIC, VIOLENT and DANGEROUS. Personally, I think his lawyers in that instance should be bought up on criminal charges relating to endangering the public)). He then took the guard's gun, killed a judge, a court reporter, and a deputy sheriff (and stole his gun) before carjacking his way to the posh Buckhead section of Atlanta, killing in cold blood a US Customs agent who was unlucky enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. From there, this psychopath thug made his way to Duluth GA and took one Ashly Smith and her 2-year old daughter hostage. Eventually, Ashly was able to persuade Nichols to give himself up to police (personally, I think they should shot him the first chance they got, it would've saved us GA taxpayer a TON of money and struck a blow for justice). On May 5, 2005, he was indicted by a Fulton County grand jury on 54 counts including murder, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated assault on a police officer, battery, theft, carjacking, and escape from authorities. All this would pretty much make him eligible for the death penalty (something I am HEAVILY in favor of bringing back).
Honestly, I am amazed that the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton haven't jumped on this bandwagon and played the race card, let's hope they have at least a shred of decency to stay away from it altogether if they know what's good for them.
But anyway, here it is, nearly August and these pinhead lawyers are STILL holding up the trial (and quite honestly, the evidence against Nichols is damning to put it kindly) all because they think they don't have enough money to defend Nichols (I hear the idea is to play the Insanity Defense, which historically, most juries wisely reject as complete BS), How long will the families of each victim of this savage beast (I dare not call him a man, but rather a poor excuse for one) have to wait for justice to be exacted and somehow have closure? I can only hope that somewhere along the way, this idiocy is put to an end, Nichols goes to trial and gets to meet his maker. If this psychotic savage gets off on some STUPID technicality, I SERIOUSLY hope there's a lynch mob somewhere just waiting for him AND his lawyers. Good luck Mr Nichols, you're gonna need LOTS of it.
A recent story from the AJC on this whole sorry affair HERE
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