It should be no secret to any of us that Saudi Arabia has for a very long time aided, abetted and supported terrorism, and the fact that George DUMB-A-YA has given these duplicitous, evil bastards a free pass after 9/11 happened, as far as I'm concerned is grounds for his trial and EXECUTION (not to mention his impeachment first). It's NO coincidence that most of the perpetrators of 9/11 were Saudi nationals, as this FBI List bears out.
Here are links to writings on this very subject, it ain't pretty!
a) Story of Sen Bob Graham book about the Saudi/Terrorism link
b) An Op/Ed piece in The Nation from 2001 commenting on the matter
c) Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S)
d) Driving Out Terrorists
e) United States Action
Still think that the Saudi government are our friends? Think again folks! In my opinion, we should've declared war on SA and kicked the crap out of them! But of course, George Dubbaya in his infinite LACK of wisdom insists on being buddy-buddy with these evil, duplicitous murderers!
2) Couldn't Have Made This Up #86: In Tokyo Japan, a number of people have reported finding large sums of Japanese Yen (it's VERY real, not counterfeit) in their mailboxes and in some public places. What is behind these mysterious cash gifts? Read this STORY
3) In Memoriam: Cinema legend Ingmar Bergman passed away this week as did pioneering late 70's/early 80's talk-show host Tom Snyder.
4) The Movie That J.R.Shot: When the "I Dream of Jeannie" series ended, Larry Hagman needed a little something to do that was fun and kept his creative impulses occupied. So, armed with a "What Have I Got To Lose?" attitude and a bevy of celebrity friends, he set to work on directing a sequel to that classic 1958 campy monster movie, The Blob. In 1972, appearing at theatres everywhere (or at least in undiscovered parts of New Jersey), BEWARE! THE BLOB hit the screens! Featuring that just revived perpetually hungry protoplasm from outer space, a rather large number of celebrities become it's breakfast, lunch and dinner including Larry Hagman himself, Godfrey Cambridge, Burgess Meredith, Dick Van Patten, Carol Lynley, CCM singer Randy Stonehill and others. It was most definitely played up for laughs (for instance, a poor Turkish guy just narrowly escapes becoming The Blob's next meal running out of his house, only to get arrested for indecent exposure). It didn't exactly set the box office on fire, but it has become something of a cult classic and gave Larry Hagman a great marketing tag line for the first VHS release of the movie (around the time of the "Dallas" night-time soap opera's popularity), The Movie That J.R. Shot! If you like monster movies and a good laugh at the same time, give this one a try!
5) So Where's Our Flying Cars and Domed Cities?: It's been the staple of science fiction and Popular Science alike many years ago. Many futurists thought we'd be all driving flying cars, living in glass domed cities and wearing silver jumpsuits in the year 2000. Well, it's 2007 and we have no glass domed cities, nobody's exactly clamoring for Yves St. Laurent silver jumpsuits, but one adventurous little company called Moller International is doing their part to make the flying car a reality. Powered by 8 small rotary engines, (similar to those of the Mazda RX-7) this futuristic beauty sure can kick up a racket and it actually does lift off. Click HERE to see a number of videos of the Sky Car in action.
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