1) Couldn't Have Made This Up #281: A woman and her 84 square foot home, barely larger than a parking space, the story is found HERE. A tour found HERE
2) Most Affordable Towns: Never would've guessed ANYWHERE in New York could possibly be affordable but boy was I wrong, looks like a number of locales in Ohio and Pennsylvania scored high too, the story HERE
3) And I Can Sleep Better At Night Knowing--The CDC with it's fail safe technology at a De Kalb County GA Biological Research facility got caught with their Petri Dish open so to speak. A power outage of an hour or so duration compromised their ability to contain deadly strains of disease organisms, just another in the latest of revelations of the CDC's incompetence, carelessness and utter disregard for common sense, the story HERE.
4) And AGAIN, I Can Sleep Better At Night Knowing-- The subject of a recent international incident, one Atlanta attorney by the name of Andrew Speaker recently underwent apparently successful lung surgery to remove tissue infected by tuberculosis. Meanwhile, this nimrod claims he didn't know TB was contagious, and in any number of ways defended his irresponsible actions in taking several international flights to Europe and back KNOWING he had TB. To say he endangered his fellow passengers would be an understatement. I do wish him a speedy recovery, because when that's over and done with, this selfish JACKASS is facing a number of lawsuits by his fellow passengers, and honestly, I hope he'll face SERIOUS criminal charges!
5) Here Kitty Kitty Kitty-------: Folks in Bordeaux, France aren't exactly sleeping easy, knowing that a young tiger or some kind of big cat is roaming in their midst, the story HERE
6) My Condolences To: Larry David, the brilliant, irascible co-creator of "Seinfeld" and creator/star of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on the ending of his 14-year marriage to Laurie. But ever the comedian, David was taking it in stride with his characteristic razor-sharp wit and humor. Apparently, it was an amicable parting.
7) A GREAT Intelligent Sci-Fi Movie Shot for $7000 and With ZERO CGI Effects: Is such a thing possible you ask? You'd better believe it! I direct your attention to PRIMER, a gem from 2004. PRIMER is the story of 2 young entrepreneurs (played by director Shane Carruth and David Sullivan) who, in a quest to do something out of the ordinary and get themselves free of the daily grind of the corporate world, accidentally invent a crude time-travel device. What follows is their realizing the power they posses, acting on it and then, having to deal with the dire consequences of playing God. This wonderful film won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 2004, and rightly so. It's not over-long, briskly paced and VERY involving! Can't recommend it enough
8) BAND NAMES: A touchy subject for newbie and veteran musicians alike, recording and album and touring are child's play in comparison to finding a suitable name for your band. Fear not, there's LOTS of on-line help, including this page of ideas by veteran studio/road bassist Tony Levin which has some REAL sidesplitting classics. I too got into the act of performing this invaluable public service, with a page on tips for naming your band. Also, one Jello Biafra even did a HILARIOUS and occasionally ribald spoken word piece on his "No More Coccoons" album called "Names For Bands" which has to be heard to be believed.
Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
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