Jerry Seinfeld, long a favorite of mine in the world of comedy, (
especially for his pointed observational style of the comedic arts) earned
10,000+ extra bonus cool points this week for showing once and for all how inept, incompetent and utterly USELESS Larry King really is as a journalist and cultural observer (
Mr King knows as much about journalism as a demolition expert knows about delicate brain surgery). While on the Larry King Live travesty, Jerry was asked one of the STUPIDEST questions to come from Larry King's trap, this regarding whether his top-rated series
"Seinfeld" was cancelled. Unless you've been hiding under a rock, most folks know that Jerry decided to end the series while it was still doing well both creatively and ratings-wise. The last thing Jerry wanted was for his pride and joy to become an embarrassment or an anemic parody of itself. Jerry, more than a little indignant at King's utter ignorance of well-known facts ripped him a new one on live national TV, and as the camera cut away to a commercial, Jerry requested a copy of his resume for King to look over. Watch the
VIDEO here for yourself and try not to laugh at this absurd spectacle, truly one for the ages. LK himself was like a deer in the headlights!
It just makes the absurdity of it all the more obvious, how does someone as shallow, egocentric and utterly ignorant and incompetent as Larry King get paid a gazillion dollars a year to singlehandedly destroy journalism (
as if self-important blowhards like Dan Rather, Connie Chung or Sam Donaldson weren't enough)?
The world may never know-------
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