2) Wise Old Owl Saying #95: Never drink anything that you could run a car or airplane on.
3) RE: The GA Drought: It's no secret that my state of GA and much of the Southeastern US is in a MAJOR drought. Our governor, one Sonny Purdue (no relation to chicken icon Frank Perdue), actually held a prayer gathering at the GA State Capitol Building to pray for rain. All well and good, but FWIW, I think the thing they REALLY should've been praying for was the wisdom and foresight to take PREVENTIVE measures before another drought strikes (things like building desalinization plants on GA"s coast, conservation measures, more aggressive pursuit of getting the Army Corps of Engineers to stop draining so danged much water from Lake Lanier, making arrangements with other states to import water in case of a drought, continuous airborne water drops on Lake Lanier, cloud seeding, ANYTHING!!! etc). Hindsight is 20/20 but foresight is immeasurable. I think God Himself is trying to teach us a lesson here.
4) Wise Old Owl Saying #25: If your company says there'll be no more layoffs, THEY'RE LYING!! It'll be a full out massacre!
5) Wise Words from The Gipper: "I don't believe in a government that protects us from ourselves" Ronald Reagan
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