1) 1960's Batman Absurdities: OK, I admit it, I LOVE the 1960's Batman TV series (how could you NOT love the thespian artistry of Adam West and Burt Ward?). But I must say, there's TONS of stuff in that series that makes even the casual observer go HMMMMMMMMM:
Everything being labeled to death with the prefix "Bat----"
Commissioner Gordon never noticing that Batman and Bruce Wayne had the exact same voice
It's always fall when the Batmobile roars out of the Batcave, and it's always summer when they pull up in front of Police Headquarters.
Ever notice that there's no one driving by when the Batmobile roars out of the Batcave?
Ever notice that no Batman stories take place when it's raining or during the winter? Do criminals take the winter off?
A major police force that couldn't solve a parking ticket.
Aunt Harriet never got suspicious of the electronic beeping of the Batphone, and never went into the study.
Villains get out of prison very quickly, even after committing major crimes.
The Bat-Computer only confirmed what Batman knew anyway, so why did he need a Bat-Computer in the first place?
There was a sleazy hotel right across the street from Police Headquarters (The Funny Feline Felonies/TheJoke's on Catwoman). Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Aunt Harriet never got suspicious of Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson's extended absences
It seems odd that no on ever got suspicious and put 2+2 together when the Batmobile came out of a cave directly below Wayne Manor.
Commissioner Gordon never got suspicious that Alfred worked for both Bruce Wayne AND Batman, and that he sometimes answered the Batphone.
Impossible gadgets like the Automatic Tire Repair Device, Anti-Blast Powder, the Joker's Time Control Box, The Alvino Ray Gun(that turned Batman, Robin, and Batgirl into two-dimensional cardboard cutouts), The Three Dimensional Bat Restorer, The Joker's Surfing Knowledge Transferometer and Vigor Reverser, and the Bat-Memory Recollection Cycle Restorer, among others.
Batman and Robin going through a crowded room thinking that they would be unnoticed, or Batman thinking that by just standing at a bar (Hi Diddle Riddle/Smack in the Riddle) that he wouldn't attract attention.
Always having a really specific gadget or device for every situation or possible deathtrap.
A Batfight in complete darkness with invisible villains (The Entrancing Dr. Cassandra),Batman, Robin and Batgirl hitting the villains and not each other.
In the '66 Batman movie, after the big Batfight on the Penguin's sub, Batman and Robin, climb back onboard out of the water. When they enter the sub, their outfits are completely dry.
Funny, Batman said nothing about a Bat-Instant Clothes Dryer or Instant Drying Bat Outfits.
Amazing how Batman's ever ingenious butler Alfred always knew just what to pack in their Utility Belts that particular day, or do things like acid proofing the costumes (wonder how he knew that Batman would be in danger of being dipped in acid that day?) or inventing the Three Dimensional Bat Restorer!
Isn't it funny, in the 1966 movie, when Bruce Wayne and Miss Kitka/Catwoman were taking the carriage ride in the park, that she didn't notice that they were being followed by the Batmobile with its turbine engine whining full tilt?
In the 1966 Batman movie, during the big Batfight on the Penguin's sub, if you look carefully, you'll notice that one of the Penguin's goons went flying, and NOBODY hit him!!! Fighting by telekinesis maybe??
Commissioner Gordon never noticing that Batgirl and his daughter Barbara had the exact same build and voice
2) Taste The Vrooooommmmm!: I LOVE this!!! If you can't find a convenient outlet or extension cord, there's always gas power, and blenders are NO exception. See this bunch on this VIDEO put that principle to work with a gas-powered blender.
3) Bringing Back The Age of Steam: In Saskatoon Canada, one man decided to return to a simpler time and constructed his own steam-powered bicycle, modeled on the old Victorian era ones (yes, such beasts existed back then). Watch the NEWS STORY here for more info, pretty cool this Owl thinks.
4) Talk About Irritating The Neighbors: I don't think you'll hear the phrase "Every Home Should Have One" applied to having one of these any time soon. A man in Moorpark CA just happens to own a fully functional previously decommissioned Federal Signal Thunderbolt air raid siren and has it set up on his back porch. And for kicks, on one Friday a month at noon, he hits the button and let's that thing roar with its ominous "all Hell is breaking loose" sound. Watch it HERE.
5) A Piano Playing Cat: The VIDEO EVIDENCE iIS HERE. There is this cat named Nora who has been repeatedly filmed by her owner actually banging out audible figures on a piano, this is SCREAM to watch!
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