1) Attorney General Michael Mukasey Confirmed: Despite reservations by some in both houses of Congress, former judge Michael Mukasey was confirmed to be the US Attorney General for the remainder of the Bush administration's disaster-riddled existence. Overall, my view, FWIW is this; he may not be perfect but he's a VAST improvement over the WORST THREE Attorney Generals this country has been cursed with, the utterly incompetent and bloodthirsty Janet Reno, the self-righteous, sanctimonious and Constitution-shredding John A$$croft and the even more incompetent and utterly UNQUALIFIED Alberto "Not So Speedy" Gonzalez. AG Mukasey has never had previous associations with Bush (a HUGE plus!), nor has he been involved in Washington politics (an even BIGGER plus!). On top of it all, he is publicly promising to be an INDEPENDENT Attorney General, which if he really means it, is what the incompetence-riddled Justice Dept. needs right about now. (cue up soap opera organ music here) Will the Attorney General stay independent? Will George Dubbaya lose his last line of defense?, Will Dick Cheney dress as The Penguin at next year's Halloween party? Tune in next week for another exciting episode of Dubbaya's World! News story HERE
2) Holy Legalese Batman, Another Reason To Hate Lawyers: While so many vintage TV series have made it to DVD, why, oh why has the 1966 Batman series been kept in legal limbo for all these years? I hear so many possible reasons why, among which, having fair and equitable terms for $$ with the estates of many of the now deceased cast (Adam West, Burt Ward, Yvonne Craig, Lee Merriwether, Earth Kitt and Julie Newmar are still among the living though), Time-Warner's thinly veiled hatred of the 60's style Batman and probably a thousand other things. What's wrong with these guys, don;t they know that not only is there a large and enthusiastic fanbase, but the fact they'd make TONS of cash with DVD sales. C'mon you greedy swine, cut us fans a Bat-break here!
3) Further Proof That Pat Robertson Really Is Nuts: When he isn't pronouncing hellfire, brimstone and damnation on everything that moves, Pat seems to have REALLY gone off the deep end, he endorsed Rudy Guliani for president! WTH???????!!!!! The thing is, Guliani is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Pat on so many issues and his ohhh so liberal morals (or lack thereof) would send normal "conservatives" that align with Pat into raging, sputtering fits. Not here. Well Pat, all I can say is, have you been taking your meds?
4) Wise Old Owl Saying #23: Never eat anything you cannot pronounce the name of!
5) Favorite Quote from The Tick cartoon: "Crime has a bossa-nova beat!"
Stan Getz/Eddie Sauter: "Mickey One" - Original Soundtrack
A gem from 1965, the soundtrack to an Arthur Penn film (starring Warren Beatty back when he could actually act) an Americanized French art-film if you will, about a Polish comedian who changes his name to "Mickey One" as he's on the run from the Mob for indebtedness and hanging around with the wrong blonde. The movie actually bombed at the box office, but strangely enough, due to the presence of Stan Getz, the soundtrack is still available. Combining Stan's amazing gift of melodic improvisation in nearly ANY musical setting, with the detailed colorful and WILDLY eclectic composition of Eddie Sauter (running the gamut from Bossa Nova to Polka, Stravinsky or Charles Ives-like jarring dissonances and even Las Vegas-Schlock to rock & roll, blues and tender balladry), this thing is a wild ride for the listener well worth taking.
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