I'm back, after a delightful Thanksgiving Weekend (with LOTS to be thankful for) and enjoying a tryptophan induced semi-comatose state which kept me from giving into the temptation of "Black Friday", The rest did me tons of good.
Three HUGE cheers for presidential candidate/former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee this past week. In completely unflinching terms, Mike Huckabee expressed his outrage and embarrassment at the fact that we are enslaved by Arab oil, and not to mention the fact he's just as outraged at the Saudi government's perversion of justice, more specifically, a Saudi court sentencing a VICTIM of a horrible gang rape to jail and lashings (for get this, being in the company of unrelated males, some horrific taboo according to Islam). The perpetrators, you guessed it, got off VERY lightly. And in relation to the oil thing, Mike said, if elected president would go after having us energy independent in 10 years, so we could tell the Saudi's you can keep your oil and your sand, we don' t need either. A TIME article HERE
And of course, the Bush administration has been notoriously silent on both issues (owing to Bright Boy's being buddy-buddy with the Saudi Royal Family, a relationship that if he had ANY decency or guts, he would TERMINATE IMMEDIATELY).
And it is this Owl's not to be quiet opinion that we DO NOT NEED SAUDI ARABIA, PERIOD!! We need to COMPLETELY and FOREVER terminate ALL relations with them, stop trading with them and do not give them one more red cent of our money so they can use it to train terrorists and violate the basic human rights of their own citizens so routinely while the Bush idiots look the other way. Yeah, you heard me right! We don't need them, they were NEVER our friends, they are NOT an ally and never have been. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic-terrorist state, period and must be dealt with as a terrorist state. Personally, I think we should've bombed them IMMEDIATELY after 9/11 occurred!
It does my heart good that at long last, people are starting to wake up to reality and see Saudi Arabia for the enemy they really are. We need more people like Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul who have the guts to challenge this disgusting status-quo.
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