1) Taking A Pointer From Abbie Hoffman: Some may recall that 60's radical/activist/author Abby Hoffman wrote a rather interesting volume called, "STEAL THIS BOOK" in 1971, a guide on how to virtually live for free. Well, in Frankfurt Germany, apparently some folks STILL take that to heart. The Frankfurt Book Fair has found a novel way of gauging best selling books by which ones get stolen the most from . They publish their un-official list every year. This time around, it was none other than Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth". You'd think if people were going to go out of their way to steal a book from a major annual multi-national publisher's convention they'd at least purloin something GOOD! Geez! More HERE
2) My Dad's More Conservative Than Yours-Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah: Meanwhile on the camPAIN trail (yes, the altered spelling is intentional), the Republican LID (Liberals In Denial) candidates seem to be descending towards the level of playground taunts in calling each other's "conservative credentials" into question (there's NO question in this Owl's mind that this bunch of weak mediocre neo-con nanny-state types have about as much to do with conservatism as building demolition does with brain surgery) . I shudder to think where these particular discussions will go next (more details HERE) All I can say is this, if you want to listen to and watch a REAL debate (as in one that deals with actual issues, no holds barred), watch the Canadian Prime Minister elections next time they come around. Those things get into actual discussion of issues, and get pretty heated too (almost borderline fisticuffs, a lot like Boston City Council meetings of decades past). Needless to say, Abe Lincoln AND Steve Douglas would have some pretty excoriating words for these mediocre statist clowns.
3) Last Of Their Breed: Legendary Scottish actress Deborah Kerr and the last Rat Pack-er, comedian Joey Bishop have departed the planet this week after long rich lives and bringing a smile to the faces of millions worldwide. RIP.
4) 3 Cheers For The Cos! : I thank God for people like Bill Cosby, who are not only great entertainers (my favorite TV show of his was his first Bill Cosby Show that ran from 1969-1971, a HILARIOUS look at the life of High School gym teacher Chet Kincaid as he dealt with hilarious situations and real issues) but really take an active interest in and want to do their part to improve the condition of the world around them. Bill's outspokenness on issues that deeply affect African-American society and the world at large do not go unnoticed or unappreciated by this Owl. Bill has been a tireless activist for a return to taking personal responsibility for one's own life, being responsible involved parents, being a life-long learner, being responsible to others and to stop blaming others for one's own self-inflicted problems. And he's joined an ever-growing chorus of total opposition to the vacuous, violence/misogyny/crime loving hip-hop/rap culture.
In short, what Bill's been saying all along flies right in the face of the divisive, race-baiting and victim-mentality perpetuating rhetoric of shysters like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. For that alone, Bill deserves a medal and a university founded in his honor. As you can bet, there's plenty of people out there that have latched onto what he's been saying, as well as some who would be quick to (quite WRONGLY) accuse him of "acting white" or "co-opting to The Man" (whoever this mysterious entity The Man is). Bill, in collaboration with Dr. Alvin Poussaint has written a wonderful new book called "Come On People". In this book, the two authors explore a number of issues and dilemmas vexing African-American society and examine a number of workable solutions (addressing area like parenting, education, discipline, and more), in addition to illustrating with true stories of people who have overcome adversities and found personal solutions to these dilemmas. One of the roots that seems to come up is the dilemma of mass hopelessness and perpetuation of the victim mentality, which shysters like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson make big $$$$ from. This book is a challenge, a call-to-arms and a message of hope all in one volume, No matter what ethnicity you are, I HIGHLY recommend you read this!
5) Perusing the Osgood Files: I got turned onto this a few years ago while still living up North, before I'd hit the shower, I'd get to listen to a brief segment of commentary called The Osgood File, presided over by CBS newsman Charles Osgood. The coolness of The Osgood File lay in the fact that he would comment on a breaking or current news event and to top it off, more times than not, would devise an ofttimes HILARIOUS series of verses, poetic waxing or limerick-like coda to the story. He has now become, officially or otherwise, the CBS network's poet in residence. Check out his website, The Osgood File and you'll get to hear/read his up to the minute wit and prose.
And A Happy Friday To All!!!!
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