One thing we should SERIOUSLY consider is the institution and enforcement of Minimum Competency Standards for those who seek to hold high office, ESPECIALLY the presidency. As we've seen these past few years, the US Presidency is NO PLACE for intellectual lightweights, weak, unprincipled vacuous dolts with lots of money like George Dubbaya! Anyone who seeks to run should be thoroughly tested and their fitness to even think about holding office should be determined by that. The American people deserve nothing less than to have a chief executive that has something resembling a brain. This Owl opines that when the brains were being passed out, George Dubbaya was still standing in line for an appendix.
2) Regarding Hollywood Remakes of Older Movies: What's with you guys? Didn't they do it right the first time? Or are you just too lazy to think of something original?
3) Bizarre Ironies # 7534: In the small burg of Luthersville GA (population approx 800), the town's 3-person police force just got cut down to one, no thanks to a complete IDJIOT for a police chief getting himself busted for rape, false imprisonment, violation of oath of office and several other charges, in addition to the town's only other officer (who got a couple charges levied at him, and consequently resigned). That leaves one officer Matt Morgan to keep the peace in Luthersville. Considering all this he's handling it remarkably well and he's only been a cop for 2 years, talk about a hell of a steep learning curve! I'd say Officer Morgan must have the patience of a saint or close to it. Thankfully, he does have some help from the county sherrif's department. And by some people's reckoning, Officer Morgan is doing a far better job than BOTH of the idjiots who got themselves busted. There's even talk of formally disbanding the Luthersville PD and having the Sheriff's office take over, not a bad idea methnks. More of the story HERE
4) The Latest in Low Budget Law Enforcement: It may not be very good on high-speed chases, but for pursuing suspects on riding mowers or tractors it's great, not to mention just perfect for busting up keg parties (gotta love those dramatic entrances)! Oh, and watch out for hostile moonshiners and angry hawks.
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