Not quite an eventful week as the previous one but there's still plenty to marvel at, ridicule and ponder. Have to say this, no news on Dick "The Penguin" Cheney of late, which is something I find more than a little disconcerting, how about you? And as another aside regarding our Smiling Idiot In Chief, earlier this week he was heard to remark that Hillary "I Want More Power" Clinton would win the Democratic nomination. Well George Dubbaya, thank you so much for giving me some hope here, as it stands 10 times out of 9 you're wrong about something.
1) Here Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty: Animal behavior researcher Kevin Richardson seems to have no fear of the king of the jungle (which is inaccurate because lions actually are more prone to inhabit grasslands and sometimes forests), and in this London Daily Mail article, it goes on to explain the lifelong love affair that Richardson has with these powerful cats. Seriously, they DO NOT make good pets, they eat TONS of meat, make a lot of noise at night, would reduce your furniture to firewood and tend to play rough (and those love bites must HURT!)
2) Duz R Prezidents Lurn?: Now THIS is pathetically hilarious! Speaking to a class of schoolchildren at PS 76 in New York this week, our Smiling Idiot In Chief proved once again that dumb runs deep in his particular family. And you know what's REALLY hilarious? Bush's handlers, in a rather fruitless effort to head off verbal gaffes, give him marked up copies of his speeches with phonetic pronunciations so he can at least somewhat get the names of foreign leaders right (a copy was briefly posted on the UN website). Check out this article. And you know what else? During one particular debate in the 2004 election with John Kerry, wasn't it pretty obvious that George Dubbaya was wired for sound, as in his handlers were backstage telling him what to say so he wouldn't screw up overly much? Check out these photos and video clips from said event.
3) Stupid Is As Stupid Does #658: Strike a blow for justice and common sense here. On 9/26/2007, Federal judge Ann Aiken ruled that 2 provisions of the immoral and odious Patriot Act are inherently unconstitutional due to the fact that they allow secret wiretapping, surveillance and searches without probable cause, in DIRECT VIOLATION of the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution. This alone is further reason why George Dubbaya and John A$$croft should be put on trial. What prompted this ruling was an unfortunate incident in which a Portland OR attorney, Brandon Mayfield found himself being named as a suspect in the 2004 Madrid train bombings. This came as a result of some IDIOT misreading a fingerprint. Mr Mayfield bought a suit against the government. He was apologized to and given a settlement of $2 million dollars or so, but no amount of money can take away the aggravation, hurt and damage to his reputation these incompetent tools of the Bush administration inflicted on him. More of the story HERE
4) Redneck Is Redneck No Matter What Part of The World You're In: Need a comedy fix with a decidedly backwoods twist? Mainstream comedy too inane and uninspired for you? May I be so bold as to recommend The Red Green Show. This VERY unconventional quirky TV export from Canada sure got my attention (carried by many PBS affiliates and also on DVD), with its no-holds barred take on redneck comedy, biting satire and complete disregard for commercial convention, it's one-of-a-kind backwoods hijinx that will make the stoutest of handymen and Mr Fix It types wake up screaming at 3 in the morning. Check out the WEBSITE and prepare ye for many laughs.
5) Now THIS Should Be The Official Seal of The Republican Party:
7) Stupid Quote Hall of Fame #212: "Who are these people?" uttered by Al Gore during a tour of Thomas Jefferson's home, Gore was looking right at busts of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin!
8) An Actual Heat Ray: Not quite a death-ray like in sci-fi movies and cartoons, but the US Army has been at work on a non-lethal heat ray device that works basically by focusing energy at a specific frequency so as to stimulate the nerves to perceive heat. Great for dispersing unruly crowds, more details HERE
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