Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Too Much TV Really Is Bad For You

I have to stop and pause, and thank my late grandmother for doing me a huge favor early in my life, and that is breaking me of the watching too much TV habit. Her encouragement for me to experience as much of the outdoors and real life a possible was a lesson well taught for me.

Please, don't misunderstand me, I like to watch the news or an occasional good show or movie if one's on (much rarer nowadays truth be told), but TV does have a way of becoming an unfortunately enslaving habit for many, an escape from reality, a way of not dealing with life or postponing life in general, once gone, it's time you can't have back.

Sadly, I've seen firsthand the effects of TV addiction, it's NOT a pretty picture. Just like any addiction, it proves destructive, the addict over time neglects their very life and health, becomes socially isolated, given to depression or other disorders and possibly even worse. A recent study showed that kids who watch excessive amounts of TV often will have problems with attention span not long after, making things like school difficult and even affecting them socially. The story HERE

Many scientific studies have been done on TV addiction and the results are sobering to say the least. I recommend visiting this site for even more perspectives: http://www.turnoffyourtv.com/healtheducation/addiction/addiction.html

Ultimately, what would you rather have, a life well lived with a few scrapes here and there, or a life wasted in front of a tube with little or nothing accomplished or remembered?

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