It has been one hell of an eventful week to put it mildly! But before we look at some of the most noteworthy (and ridicule-worthy happenings), let me start off with some random stuff like:
1) Wouldn't It Be Great If--: On our election ballots, there was an option or choice of : NONE OF THE ABOVE, DO OVER, NOT ACCEPTABLE?
2) Life's Simplest Pleasures #5820: Hearing one Eartha Kitt purrrrr and grrrrowwwlll in her characteristically sexy manner. Truth be told, she was my FAVORITE Catwoman on the old Batman TV show! And at the age of 80, she's STILL purrrrrforming and alluring in her inimitable cat-like manner, read more about her HERE
3) Questioning Al Sharpton: Now that this whole "Jena 6" episode has blown sky high, it never fails that vultures and shysters like Al Sharpton fly in to play the race card and turn EVERYTHING into a race issue when it is clearly not. It's pretty clear cut to me, a bunch of young football players viciously attacked another person that had NOTHING to do with a racial incident that occurred 3 months earlier, and now these 6 thugs are facing SERIOUS criminal charges as they should, among them, Attempted 2nd Degree Murder. Good 'ol Sharpton says that Congress should question the DA bringing up these charges for being "racially motivated". Personally, I think that Al Sharpton is the one that should be questioned and bought up on serious criminal charges himself for a number of racially motivated incidents that led to riots and several deaths, the complete list HERE What really gets me about all this, is that Sharpton and his unthinking followers are trying to paint these vicious thugs as "victims of racism" (the only thing they're a victim of is their own stupidity and lack of brains), and meanwhile, the actual victim has to suffer more humiliation and such because of these brainless fools!
On a somewhat related note, as Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama has been making the rounds on the campaign trail, he found himself at the recieving end of some venom by none other than Uber-Shyster/Vulture Jessie Jackson, who maintains that Obama was "acting like he's white" for not speaking out more forcefully about the "Jena 6" incident. In my view, Barack took the high road by voicing that while he thought the 2nd degree attempted murder charges were excessive, nontheless that what these 6 allegedly did was indefensible and wrong. Of course, all that people like Sharpton and Jessie Jackson can see through their own extremely myopic and limited vision is that it's still 1957. Mr Jackson and Mr Sharpton try to position themselves as being all for racial equality and such, but the ugly truh is, these two are just as divisive and racist as people like the late JB Stoner and other segregationists of years past. Shameful, really.
4) And I Will Not--: Make ANY mention of Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton, OJ Simpson, Tom Cruise and other assorted intelligence-challenged celebrities and OOOOPS!!
5) Hitlary STILL Doesn't Get It: With her usual amount of grandstanding and thinly veiled Socialist agenda, Hitlary Clinton is yet again proposing another disastrous foray into government-managed health care. Of course, anyone with a lick of common-sense would know that when the Fed's try to get involved in managing ANYTHING on a grand scale, massive cost overruns, inefficiency, corruption and incompetence are not far away, and nationalized health is NO exception. Her idea of FORCING people to buy health insurance is socialism at its worst (people should have the choice whether to or not, that's democracy you MORON, yeah Hillary, I'm calling you a MORON and a COMMUNIST one at that!) among other things just ain't gonna fly. Read this opinion piece for more detailed perspective.
6) They Had Their Chance and Blew It #3864: The beleaguered airline industry in the US has taken a pounding on many fronts, but one thing's for sure, it has repeatedly shot itself in the foot regarding the shabby treatment of airline passengers over the years. Sometime in the early 90's after some public outcry, many airlines made and predictably later, BROKE a promise to voluntarily raise their standards of customer service. Well, after the last couple of years or so of unbelievable delays, bad service, and in one instance this past winter, Jet Blue passengers being stuck in a plane on the taxiway for 13 HOURS under rapidly deteriorating sanitary conditions. Jet Blue t its credit apologized profusely and made numerous efforts to make amends. To my knowledge, NO OTHER airline has even attempted such a thing, thinking it beneath their dignity to admit that they've EVER made a mistake or treated a customer unfairly.
Most of my airline experiences have been good to excellent, but I am aware of what it's like to be at the opposite end of the spectrum, having had a rather aggravating experience on Northwest about a year ago, 3 out of four of my flights delayed nearly and hour or more, cramped seating and being charged $2.00 for a small bag of pretzels (which on other airlines is generally complimentary). Besides the delays, getting out of Atlanta was a nightmare not only because of a nearly hour delay but when the plane initially started it's engines, getting some of the WORST concentration of jet fuel fumes in the cabin air. The pilot came on and said that we were having "mechanical problems" that were being fixed. Finally got off the ground but the whole way to Detroit, I was wondering if I'd miss my connecting flight to Albany NY. Coming back wasn't much better. Arrrrrrrrrrrgh! I don't EVER want to fly Northwest after that.
But anyway, the House now has a passenger bill of rights law making the rounds, which among other things WILL require medium to large airports to make contingency plans to provide basic sanitary necessities to stranded/delayed passengers and enable them to deplane if long delays are imminent (and provides for heavy fines if they screw up). The Senate is crafting similar legislation as well. However, one point of contention is funding this measure by raising fuel tax on jet fuel and raising some fees incorporated into airline tickets. Predictably, Bush has threatened to veto it. While I'm not a fan of legislating everything to death, but this is one instance where the airlines need to be treated as a problem child acting out and disciplined very sternly for their arrogance and misbehavior.
7) A Beautiful Closeup View of The Hollywood Freeway: Southern California drivers are used to seeing debris on the freeways from time to time, but not quite like THIS, it's NOT an optical illusion folks, it is an actual HOUSE that fell off a trailer smack in the middle of the Hollywood Freeway, the story HERE
Donald Fagen - Kamakiriad
This little gem from 1993, a very FUN concept album by the singing/keyboarding half of Steely Dan is the story of a man and his late model Kamakiriad and a long road trip. The Kamakiriad in this story is a late model Japanese steam-powered car with, among other options, an onboard vegetable garden! And not only that, it's directly uplinked to a Trip-Star satellite for navigation. As one could expect with any Donald Fagen or Steely Dan release, VERY HIGH production values, crisp, tight arrangements and wry ironic/biting lyrics. Very cool stuff, and yes, it's good driving music!
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