Turns out that a Federal judge has struck down portions of the odious and unconstitutional Patriot Act (one of THE WORST EVER pieces of legislation Congress has ever passed, in addition that they were dumb enough to believe George Dubbaya and John A$$croft that they needed to pass it at all to make up for the complete incompetence of both the CIA and FBI, lot of good it did). The portion in question was the one that gave Federal investigators latitude to demand that Internet service providers, libraries and the like turn over user data to them WITHOUT a warrant or court approval, IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE FOURTH AMENDMENT OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION! This piece of legislation is just more damning evidence of Bush's complete contempt for the US Constitution and even more so for the rights of ordinary citizens. And not to mention, it completely tramples on the Separation of Powers outlined in the Constitution. Read more HERE
When Bush is long out of office and he looks back, I seriously doubt he'll even have the slightest flickering of intelligence to realize just how much he overstepped the bounds of decency and lawful actions of his office. He'll probably STILL be doing the old "Everybody's Being Mean To Me" song and dance. Is it 2008 yet?
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