Shrouded in much mystery are a number of cutting edge (for the time which was during WWII), forays into esoteric areas of science by German scientists under Adolf Hitler's orders. One of the most mysterious and much talked-about areas concerns a device that has acquired the nickname of The Nazi Bell, believed to have been an acorn or bell shaped metal structure used for among other things, refining and separating heavy isotopes (namely Uranium with the intent of producing Germany's first nuclear weapon) by way of a two-drum counter-rotating high speed centrifuge within the structure. They apparently didn't stop there. Further experimenting with other heavy metals like Mercury and various isotopes and different forms of magnetism and radiation, the Germans were it appears, trying to do things like creating force fields, gravity repulsion, distortion of local space-time as a form of propulsion and possibly even a kind of death-ray. How successful ANY of these experiments were is not fully known but it is known from documents recovered from Germany after WWII, that several scientists lost their lives as a result of powerful radiation from the device. The Bell also seemed to be a culmination of and relative of several other research projects undertaken by German scientists into these forms of science, including such things as the Coanda Effect Saucer and vortex dynamics research by Austrian Victor Shauberger
To make matters even more bizarre, nearly ALL the scientists involved with this project were killed on orders from Hitler it is assumed to preserve the project's secrecy. One theory holds that The Bell was then loaded into a 6-engine Junkers transport plane and whisked away to Argentina, a country that was at one time quite the haven for Nazi war criminals (at least under the rule of Juan Peron). However, the site that once housed the Bell still stands for now.
Researcher Joseph P Farrell has written a fascinating book about this mysterious project and his search to uncover the truth entitled "The SS Brotherhood of The Bell" (pictured above). If you click HERE, you'll find, in PDF format a fascinating interview with the author and how he sums up his search to get at the truth about The Bell.
Another book "Reich of The Black Sun" covered a lot of this mystery in detail in cluding some of the horrifying effects of running the Bell , a excerpt HERE
Igor Witkowski has written a book about the German secret weapons programs of WWII and it is Truth about the Wunderwaffe which I'll check out myself.
And also recommended is "The Hunt for Zero Point" by Nick Cook, a look at anti-gravity research from around the world, including quite a bit of material on the German experiments.
And in a seemingly related twist, fast forward to December 9, 1965 in Kecksburg PA. Over a wide range, starting in southern Canada, a number of people reported seeing a bright object blazing across the sky leaving a blue smoke trail, a typical meteorite, right? WRONG!!! Since when does a meteorite abruptly change course and head elsewhere? In a forest near Kecksburg PA, this object crashed violently. Police and firefighters converged on the scene as one would expect. However, the unexpected occurred, the Army and Air Force got there in near record time, sealed off the forest and placed this little PA town under near Martial Law. Despite that, several people were able to see the object that crashed, and from these accounts, it bore a more than casual resemblance to the Nazi Bell. It was swiftly hauled away, even under a thick tarp on a flatbed truck, its acorn/bell like shape could be clearly seen.
Ask yourself this, would the Army or Air Force know where to travel to in a short amount of time just to recover a mere rock from outer space? Not likely!
Read this excerpt from Reich Of The Black Sun" that chronicles this incident in great detail. The main Index page is HERE
My thoughts? Personally, I'm not inclined to believe that there are humanoid aliens from other regions of space visiting our world (though I do believe that other worlds can contain microbial life of some sort). However, I DO believe very strongly that our government has been and always will be doing bizarre experiments in extreme secrecy for good or ill (Heck, they denied the existence of both the Stealth Fighter AND Stealth Bomber for years). And I DO believe that the government had in fact been trying to recreate the Nazi Bell experiments of some 20 years previous. And they darn near succeeded.
I find it credible just on the sheer fact that we recruited a number of German scientists like Werner Von Braun to work on our space program (with the choice of that or prison or execution) as well as a number of secret "black projects" related to weaponry and defense.
The ultimate truth? I don't know, but somebody's got some 'splainin to do!!.
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