Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cults In Our Midst

They come in all shapes and sizes I guess. weird cults and sects that worship everything from Snickers Bars to giant statues of Ray Charles., and of course the more extreme/tragic examples like The People's Temple and Heaven's Gate, plus money-grabbing and mind-controlling scams like Scientology, The International Churches of Christ /Kip McKean and others.

While glancing through today's Atlanta Journal Constiution, I chanced upon a group that makes staring directly at the Sun a lifestyle. Hmmmm, isn' t that supposed to make you go blind? In any case, it sounds like someone's followers getting quite literally robbed blind, the story HERE

Faith is indeed a wonderful thing, but PLEASE be careful of people who would exploit that faith to line their pockets or worse yet use it for some evil/destructive purpose.

If you know someone who is possibly involved in some kind of a cult or abberant religious group, here are a few informational resources:

Rick Ross Institute
Right Cyber Up
Wellspring Retreat Center -- the nation's only residential treatment facility for recovering cult victims
Warning Signs Of A Cult 1 2 3
Steve Hassan's Freedom of Mind

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