Monday, June 30, 2008

Uhhh, What Kind of Music Is That--?

June 29, 2008, armed with two five-string bass guitars (fretted and fretless), a digital camera and not much else, I met my friend and drummer Jeremy DeRamus for a recording session at Earthshaking Music in East Atlanta Village .

With the aid of our brilliant engineer Scott Trihn at the controls, Jeremy and I proceeded to explore the outer frontiers of improvised music, trying a number of different groves and styles, ranging from slow smoldering cop-show jazz/swing to edgy angular funk, psychedelic and even a spacey percussion improv from Jeremy utilizing a marimba, tablas, bongos, a 20" gong and more.

Ultimately, the aim of these guided improvisations is to sculpt music around them (in my case for a new CD to be released next year, for now entitled, The Complete Radio Free Antarctica Tapes), and for Jeremy he may even devise some visual accompaniments as well as musical ones. The idea was to have a solid foundation to sculpt actual music from (be it ever so obtuse and RAGINGLY "uncommercial") as opposed to senseless random flailing/thrashing.

All told, I was very happy with the 5 pieces that resulted, and of course with further editing, teaking and adding instruments on at my home studio, The Owl's Nest, I'm sure some very colorful and challenging (to say the least, I ain't getting any more commercial folks LOL) We weren't producing the next Brittany Spears atrocity or vying for hit singles. A HUGE thank you to both Jeremy and Scott for humoring my unorthodox methods and making these little sketches and vague thoughts come to life. 100% real, in the moment and NO Pro-Tools was employed at any time.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Several Things The Bush Presidency Makes A Good Case For---

1) George W. Bush's Trial and Execution By Firing Squad For Treason: Namely for KNOWINGLY allowing Osama Bin Laden to escape and for conspiracy to commit treason by way of planning to ram through the Dubai Ports World sale of several of our ports operation to an Arab terrorist-supporting state, namely Dubai. And to say nothing of his too-cozy relationship with the terrorist-supporting Saudi Royal Family. And then there's the matter of a really half-a$$ed job in Afghanistan where the Taliban were merely chased off, as opposed to ANNIHILATING and mercilessly destroying them as they should've been before they could do any more harm. In all these things, Bush remorselessly sold us out to the enemy.

2) A Mandatory Intelligence/Competency Test For Federal Office Seekers/Holders: ANYONE seeking Federal office should be subjected to a rigorous intelligence/competency test before even being allowed to run for office and NOBODY with an IQ below 140 would be allowed to run for ANY office or hold any office, period! Brainless morons like Bush have NO place in the White House or ANY office, period! Haven't we had enough?

3) A Federal Law That Prohibits ANYONE With The Last Names of Bush or Clinton For EVER Running For Office Anywhere At Any Time: Haven't we had enough incompetence, stupidity and lawless shenanigans from these two infamous families already?.

4) A Federal Law That Prohibits ANYONE With Ties to Oil/Energy, Pharmaceutical or Banking Industries From Running For Office: Enough said!

5) The Mass Arrest and Permanent Deportation Of The Republican Party: The last 18 years have seen the Republican Party go from bad to worse in terms of rampant corruption, wanton criminal behavior (see for just a partial listing of their shenanigans) complete abandonment of conservative principles, lust for power, offering up incompetent and vacuous candidates (like BOTH Bushes and Bob Dole) isn't it time we stopped giving these amoral morons a free pass? Remember, the turn to evil began with George HW Bush.

6) The Complete Removal of Our Armed Forces From ALL Foreign Countries: Let's face it folks, our military has been overextended and stretched PAST the breaking point. We NEED our troops right here to defend OUR borders. My concern is that if we are attacked again, can we defend ourselves and even retaliate? I dare say, in our present state, we're screwed (NO THANKS to Clinton/Gore AND Bush/Cheney and Rumsfeld's total incompetence). The very idea that we should should fight every country's battles for them is just plain foolish and stupid. We CANNOT be everyone's parent. Our military needs to be ready to defend US first. America First! Pat Buchanan had it right from Day One!

7) Shutting Down the Department of Homeland Security: This utterly worthless agency has not only wasted millions of our tax dollars but created a climate of fear in its overreaching violations of our constitutional rights, placed odious regulations and burdens on air travelers by treating all air travelers as presumed terrorists, and just simply being a bunch of paranoid Gestapo-wannabes. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS I SAY!

8) Elimination Of The Two Party System: Between the Republican's rampant criminal behavior, disrespect for the Constitution and the rights of Americans and the Democrats all-too-pronounced Socialist leanings, we NEED a real choice going forward. It is INHERENTLY undemocratic and UNAMERICAN that only two well-heeled and long entrenched parties bankrupt of ideas or decency u are allowed to rule. It's WAY PAST TIME that the Libertarians, The Constitution Party , The Populists and Independent people were allowed to take part in the democratic process.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

At Least ONE Branch Of The Government Is Working Right--

As one AP correspondent Mark Sherman put it, the Supreme Court of the US started its term quietly and ended with a growl, for which this Owl for the most part is VERY happy about. It does my heart good to see that at least ONE branch of our government is actually doing its job and very well I might add.

After deciding a number o flower-grade cases, it came time to decide 3 very MAJOR contentions which were:

1) Treatment of Guantanamo Bay Detainees: Here, the justices in a close 5-4 decision gave Genius-Boy George Dubbaya a well-deserved bashing over the head. Their decision maintained in essence that detainees cannot not be held indefinitely without being informed of charges against them, without trial, without counsel or without hearings. This simply just reiterates what is already stated in the Constitution, international law as well as just plain decency and common sense (something the Republicans and Bush completely lack altogether).

2) Reaffirming Second Amendment Rights: Although it should be no mystery to anyone with half a mind, the Second Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In a very historic 5-4 decision, after many years of near silence on the issue, the justices essentially reaffirmed our constitutional right to bear arms for home and individual protection. This was precipitated by a legal challenge to Washington DC's draconian handgun ban. Predictably, the gun control crowd is running scared, whining that it'll be like the Wild West all over again. Personally, I don't buy that bit of hogwash when it has been shown many times over that an armed citizenry does in fact take a bite out of crime. At least SOME people are getting the message (The Supreme Court namely), that we DO NOT need gun control, but rather, we need CRIME CONTROL (a whole different ballgame altogether). More commentary HERE

3) Prohibition of Death Penalty for Child Rape: Here's where I VEHEMENTLY disagree with the justices. Although it may be legally and technically correct, morally and ethically, I just cannot get behind this one decision. The damage done to a child by sexual assault is lasting and very deep. To me, the ONLY fitting penalty for this or ANY kind of rape is death.

But #3 notwithstanding, I am really proud of our justices and their willingness to tackle some tough issues head on, again, their courage has COMPLETELY put to shame the Executive and Legislative branches of our government. This Owl salutes and thanks all nine of you, your summer break is well earned indeed!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Poetic Justice # 6698: Kanye West Gets Rapped

This is something that a musician/music fan like myself couldn't help but love.

Rapper/Egotist/Professional Dumba$$ Kanye West got a rather mild dose of what's coming to him very recently at the annual Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival. First off, the Bonnaroo people did make a rather questionable judgement in having him perform in the first place, given Bonnaroo 's reputation for presenting some wildly ecclectic and genuinely creative music on its many stages. Creativity is something that Kanye West could definitely NOT be accused of.

After requesting numerous delays and postponements, Mr. West settled on a 2:45 am time slot after Pearl Jam wrapped up their fiery set. Next thing you know, more delays, and the crowd is getting pretty danged restless and impatient by this point (at least the ones who were still awake). Meanwhile, Mr West's entourage is building this massive and over-the top stage set, first red flag. Next red flag, NO BAND, it would be him (allegedly) performing to computer generated Pro-Tools tracks. And at 4:25 am, Mr Dumba$$ finally takes the stage, ego on display as usual, but what he didn't figure in (naturally, an overfed ego does not allow for rational thought or foresight) was this crowd's justified annoyance and even anger at his shenanigans. And you thought Guns 'n Roses was bad? And worse yet, the eventually rising sun washed out the light show (BOOOOO FREAKIN' HOOOOOO!)

Before long, the crowd is telling him in no uncertain terms that he sucks and pelts him with plastic glow sticks. He should consider himself pretty danged lucky, it could've been bottles or worse. I side with the crowd on this one, I mean, you pay good money, put up witha lot of aggravation and uncertainty at an outdoor festival to start with, but man, being jerked around by someone with an ego the size of Texas and the brain of an amoeba just ain;t worth it, especially when it's a bunch of dumbaSSed, lame gangsta rap? That goes beyond unacceptable. Who in their right mind would pay premium prices to see karaoke? Sorry Kanye, people are waking up and seeing how lame you really are, and I honestly hope that people will one day wake up to the fact of how utterly lame Rap is as a whole.


Friday, June 13, 2008

RIP: Tim Russert 1950-2008

The journalism world today lost one of its best and brightest, Tim Russert, succumbed to a fatal heart attack at the age of 58, doing what he loved best.

Tim since the early 90's took over hosting NBC's "Meet The Press" and bought a depth and willingness to ask pointed questions that few dared to. In addition, he was reknowned for his election coverage work with NBC and moderating many a political debate. Though staunchly Democratic, Russert never let that compromise his objectivity or journalistic integrity. Originally a lawyer, Russsert eventually turned to journalism with the same excellence and success he pursued with law previously.

For more on Tim's life and career, see HERE

RIP Tim, this Owl definitely will miss your hard-hitting and reliable journalism, good humor and wit.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Who's The Real Terrorist? #592 Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin, a name that right now sends me into near apoplexy or a barely controllable rage!

This empty-headed blowhard/ignoramous sure loves to get on people's bad side and perpetuate Republican Party/Fox News fear-mongering like few I've seen (excepting of course the UNHOLY trinity of O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity) , and of course, the latest of her outrages being accusing Dunkin' Donuts and Rachel Ray of "selling terrorism" by way of A PAISLEY SCARF that Rachel was wearing in an ad, of course, Malkin immediately just had to start something by publicly implying that the scarf was a garment worn by Jihadists (FACT: It was NOT), and next thing you know, Dunkin' Donuts, in a glaring moment of spinelessness and acquiescence to these fear-mongering pinheads, pulls the ad and issues an apology that was completely unnecessary. What they should've done was stand their ground and confront Ms Malkin on her ignorance of facts, her remorseless bullying and her morbid need to stir fear, paranoia and suspicion for her own gain, harassment and possibly even slander, not to mention her journalistic incompetence! But then again, expecting journalistic competence, ethics and integrity from ANYBODY associated with Fox News (she was until late 2007 on the "O'Reilly Factor" show) is like expecting a caveman to do brain surgery.

Another thing that gets me is that Ms Malkin is labeld a "Conservative Commentator", which is factually inaccurate. The Republican Party is labeled "Conservative" but nothing could be further from the truth. The GOP and people like Malkin are about as conservative as Stalin.

To Ms Malkin, I say SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BRAINLESS IDIOT!!!! Someday, your asinine pronouncements will come back and bite you, hopefully in the form of a lawsuit or two or three and hopefully the end of your career! If you are drummed out of ANY media arena and publically called out for the incompetent, ignorant fraud you are, I'll throw a party!

And my sincerest condolences to Rachel Ray for all the BS you've had to endure from these cretinous idiots like Malkin et al. I feel your pain and completely sympathize with you.