Monday, February 25, 2008

Some Monday Madness--------------

1) Rethinking One Of My Own Maxims: One principle I've held dear is this, "Never drink anything that you can run a car or airplane on". Well, I think one Richard Branson, maverick entrepreneur, founder of Virgin Records and Virgin Atlantic Air and visionary about to make sub-orbital flights available to the public, has made a mockery of that maxim and done something again very pioneering. This past weekend, one of Branson's Virgin Atlantic Air 747's made a historic flight from London to Amsterdam utilizing bio-fuel (in this case, a mix of coconut and babassu oil). And yes, it worked just fine, no modifications needed to the engines whatsoever. Don't expect a major retooling just yet but it does hold promise if in fact a way can be found to grow the necessary crops to produce these kind of fuels without detriment to the human food supply (but after all, if the oil companies had HALF a brain and could kick their addiction to Arab oil wouldn't it make sense to start special farms and grow your own?). Bravo and kudos once again to Richard Branson! If only more CEO's had your vision! London Daily Mail story HERE

2) I DID NOT watch the Academy Awards, and my world did NOT collapse, the sun set and rose as usual and better still, Mariah Carey DID NOT make another movie! Quite frankly, awards shows in general bore the hell out of me.

3) People I'd Like To See Appear On "Dancing With The Stars"
  • William Shatner - Question is, will he tango--- like--- he TAAAAALLLLKKS?
  • Former US Atty. General Janet Reno: About 2001, there was a club/dance hit out called "Murder On The Dance Floor" by Brit Sophie Ellis Bextor (now is THAT a screamingly British name or what?), well, if Janet Reno takes to the wood, that will LITERALLY come true, scorched wood, NO SURVIVORS if she has anything to say about it.
  • Bob Dole: Can he loosen up with the aid of Viagra? Will he constantly resort to referring to himself in third person? You make the call!
  • David Byrne: Former Talking Heads mastermind I bet would come up with some very interesting and quirky moves, a lot like he did onstage during the Talking Heads' heyday.
  • David Letterman: 'Nuff said!

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