Wednesday, May 21, 2008

25 Years In The Slammer for Boy Band Creator

Can you sense my joy, my overwhelming euphoria and glee?

It's official folks, Lou Pearlman, the low-life swindler/con-artist and purveyor of such musical abominations as The Backstreet Boys, N'Sync et al got himself 25 years in Federal prison for swindling individual investors and banks out of some $300 million since the 1980's.

U.S. District Judge G. Kendall Sharp, if perchance we meet in person, I'd not only like to shake your hand but also buy you dinner to thank you for putting away this arrogant, greedy lowest form of pond slime! Not only for the swindling/bilking part, but for inflicting that God-Awful Boy-Band crap on us as well! This dumba$$'s sentence is well deserved!

A St Petersburg Times story HERE

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