Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sony Going Over The Edge This Time

Sony, STILL one of THE DUMBEST corporations that has ever existed in any realm of business is shooting itself in the foot yet again (something they do with alarming regularity).

In it's ever increasing determination to completely alienate its ever dwindling customer base and treat them like criminals, Jennifer Pariser, the head of litigation for Sony/BMG said, during a downloading case in Duluth MN that customers have no legal right to store music onto their PC's hard drive at all, which is completely contrary to existing "Fair Use" laws. In reality, it just smacks of another desperate attempt by Sony to exert undue control over all known media, rip people off and worse yet, refuse to acknowledge that customer tastes and needs have changed, and more so, a failure to admit that Sony products just ain't worth the sledgehammer to smash them with. Of course, all this coming from a company whose many transgressions involve price fixing, payola, sneakily installing root-kit spyware on people's computers. My viewpoint on Sony has NOT changed one iota, that Sony are a bunch of clueless morons who deserve to go out of business.

But then again, I would urge people, if you've REALLY had enough of Sony's shenanigans, take EVERY Sony product you own, sledgehammer it into as many pieces as possible, then mail the remains directly to Sony with as nasty a note as you care to write, and don't buy any more of their over-priced crap.

Well anyway, read more of the sorry saga HERE.

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