Thursday, October 11, 2007

Woody Says It's Friday

(Cue in Woody Woodpecker laugh here).

It's Friday, and has ANYTHING unusual happened? Hmm, let's see:

a) Last I checked, George Dubbaya is STILL a moron, this week, he gets the hair-brained notion that we need to extend the Protect America Act (an UNNECESSARY piece of Orwellian legislation that our gutless, amoral and unprincipled Congress rushed through in August 2007 at the behest of our Smiling Idiot in Chief) permanently, and get this, that telecom firms should be immune from prosecution or lawsuit for blatantly violating existing surveillance/search seizure laws. Hey George, you ever heard of the 4th Amendment of The US Constitution. Oh, that's right, I forgot, when they were teaching about the 4th Amendment in school, George probably locked himself in the janitor's closet on a dare, or was sitting in acorner with a dunce cap in Health class and they forgot to tell him class was dismissed. Story HERE

b) Obligatory dumbass rapper gets arrested for more thuggery (L'il Wayne).
Naaah, nothing out of the ordinary.

BUT WAIT---------------------!!!

1) Ain't It Ironic #510: That one-woman sappy love ballad machine Diane Warren (whose gloppy, overwrought songs have been inflicted on us by Chicago, Cher, Michael Bolton, Celine Dion, Aerosmith and countless others, even that HORRID theme song to Star Trek; ENTERPRISE) has a RAGING aversion to dating, never been married and has NEVER been in love!!!! OK Diane, when you write those words, just WHERE are you getting your information from anyway?

2) An Inconvenient Cold Snap (or Hell Freezes Over Again): I can just hear the sound of demons sharpening up their skate blades and tying those laces. The reason? None other than Al Gore, Mr. "I Took The Initiative In Creating The Internet" "There Was No Controlling Legal Authority" has won a Nobel Peace Prize (also being shared with some UN commission) for his work concerning global warming. Hoo boy! The same hypocritical junk-science monger who writes scientifically fallacious books, the one who demands that everyone "go green" while he himself drives a gas guzzling SUV and lives in a mansion that burns up more electricity and gas in one MONTH than most people do in a year. The one who can't even keep his grandiose boasts and lies straight, much less his facts!?? Just in principle I consider this a grand display of extreme stupidity and ignorance! It just ain't fair, this charlatan gets a prestigious prize for spewing a bunch of ultra-leftist fear-mongering propaganda, and the guy who invented duct/gaffer's tape has NEVER gotten the proper recognition that he deserves. The story HERE

3) One Who Dares To Tell The Truth: Ayaan Hirsi Ali may not exactly be a household name on these shores yet, but she should be. This is one courageous soul who at considerable risk to her very life, has acted on her conscience and dared to speak out against the Islamic religion she once professed. Among other things, she has taken Islam to task for its gross misogyny and hatred of women and its love of violence against those who choose not to embrace its teachings. Her 2006 book "Infidel" goes into great detail from the perspective of someone who has been there. FWIW, I for one am NOT buying all the politically correct baloney about Islam being a religion of peace and that Islamic terrorists are "misinterpreting" the Q'ran. Quite to the contrary, they're following it to the letter and that Islam and terrorism have been sleeping in the same bed from Day One!

4) Goodbye Bill O'Reilly: I just don't know what to do with this guy. On the one hand, he can make a good point about an issue when he sets his mind to it, but on the other hand, I find him to be an egotistical arrogant blowhard who shoots himself in the foot time and time again (a lot like Rush Limbaugh) and who is far too in love with the sound of his own voice. If you watch his No Spin Zone program with any regularlity, you'll more than likely notice that Bill JUST NEVER SHUTS UP!! He NEVER allows a guest to get half a word in edgewise or any other way. O'Reilly claims to be all for intelligent debate and DISCUSSION (which by definition is at least a 2-way street), but this arrogant blowhard just insists on shouting down his guests if they disagree with him even in the slightest. Of course, being employed by Fox News (the George Dubbaya Network, just like CNN came to be known as The Clinton News Network), Bill is just one of Bush's biggest and most obnoxious unthinking cheerleaders. A PERFET example of O'Reilly's hypocrisy can be found in THIS CLIP where he gets all hot under the collar about famous people who call George Dubbaya dumb because he contends that it "coarsens public discourse" but at the same time, Bill goes into "attack and shout-down mode" doing the very thing he claims to be against. And THIS CLIP with Ron Paul is a rare example of grace under pressure, Ron kept his cool while O'Reilly viciously attacks him for not agreeing with him verbatim. These are only two of NUMEROUS examples of O'Reilly's out-of-control vicious bulldog "I'm Always Right, You're Always Wrong" pseudo-journalism. To think, I used to like this O'Reilly guy. NEVER AGAIN!

5) The Beauty of The "B": For as long as I can remember, I have been enamored of the sound of the Hammond organ in its many forms. From smoky and mysterious to soulful to searing, this wonderful 400+ pound beast of wood, keys, clockworks, tubes and wires (invented by Laurens Hammond in 1934 originally intended as a replacement for pipe organs) has provided both backdrops and vivid musical landscapes in many settings, from soulful jazz and blues (Jimmy Smith and Brother Jack McDuff for example), exotica/lounge (Korla Panditt, Lenny Dee) rock (Procul Harum, Deep Purple, Traffic, ELP) and the odd soap opera and horror/sci-fi flick. not to mention a VOLUMINOUS glut of organ records from the 50's and 60's. The Hammond company turned out a dizzying variety of these wonderful instruments, but the ones they're most famous for are the B and C series of drawbar organs. There's NOTHING quite like a Hammond And if you want to hear a Hammond being absolutely COMICAL, listen to THIS (in Real Audio format), the end credit music from the movie "Monty Python and The Holy Grail, it's CLASSIC!!!

Hammond B-3 Organ

Happy Friday Y'all!!!!

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