Sunday, April 20, 2008

Monday Madness Strikes Again!

1) Odd Pairings That Actually Work #521: This is going back a ways, but this actually happened on national TV, Oct., 28, 1970. Johnny Cash had a much loved TV show going at the time, and his guest that night, none other than Louis Armstrong! Most would think, how in the world could they possibly pull off something given they came from 2 completely different musical worlds? Well, hear it for yourself, they tore into an old Jimmy Rogers country-blues number "Yodel #9", seen HERE. This had to have been one of Satchmo's last performances before his death in 1971.

2) You're Joking, RIGHT?: While campaigning in PA this week, Barrack Obama in this Owl's opinion made one of the WORST mistakes a presidential candidate could make this early in the game. He might even be right to some degree but man, talk about shooting yourself in the foot! Obama has said that John McCain would be better than Bush, a rather stark reversal from his earlier position that a McCain presidency would be like giving Bush a third term. Even as McCain himself tries to distance himself from the last 8 years of Bush's incompetency, not many are buying it, this Owl among those who just ain't buyin' it either. To paraphrase a friend's comment, saying McCain would be better than Bush would be like saying that "Joe Blow running for police commissioner would be better than Jack The Ripper". Barry, I hope you grasp the implications of what you just said as it relates to your own candidacy, the story HERE

3) Is It Just Me Or----:

a) Does Karl Rove bear at least a casual resemblance to Mr. Freeze or Egghead on the old Batman TV show?

b) If you were a career journalist, wouldn't having ANY mention on your resume' of employment with Fox News be a sure fire career killer?

c) Does not ABC set the pace on its handling of news in terms of sheer vacuousness and insipidness?

d) It really is true that American Idol has contributed to the progressive dumbing down of our country, along with the Bush administration?

4) Batcave Home Theater: See it for yourself, by way of, an actual home theater setup very much like the Batcave, has to be seen to be believed HERE!

5) Cursing The Yankees: This has got to be the most HILARIOUS thing I've heard in the last couple weeks, a construction worker involved in building the new Yankees stadium in NYC is actually a rabid Boston Red Sox fan, and attempted to curse the Yankees by burying a Red Sox shirt in the complex, which was later unearthed. Keith Olbermann had a bit to say about this to rather amusing effect HERE.

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