Tuesday, April 1, 2008

More Reasons You Should STOP Watching Or Listening to Fox News:

1) In August of 2006, the locale was Largo Florida. A police officer pulls over an SUV for speeding, but to add to the drama, the vehicle's stereo was BLASTING enough to rattle windows of nearby houses. Obnoxious Gansta Rap? NOPE, it was Bill O'Reilly! And that poor cop wound up getting a fusillade of undeserved verbal abuse from this mindless O'Reilly-worshipping dumba$$. I'd bet anything Belligerent Genius Boy there was afraid he'd have to go before a liberal judge that would throw the book at him. Ya know, I HOPE that's exactly what happened to him. Story, complete transcript of the exchange AND video HERE

2) Also, in September of 2006. Several high profile individuals, one of them being MSNBC anchor/commentator Keith Olbermann recieved rather suspicious letters in their mail, that when opened, spilled out a white powder, and of course, the natural assumption is that it was Anthrax. Along with this was a menacing note that read "DEATH TO ALL DEMAGOGUES". Quite wisely, Keith called the FBI and police, and then went to the nearest hospital to make sure he was OK. To add to this drama, despite being told to NOT report on it until given the OK by law enforcement officials, the Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post of course, defied authoriities and went to press anyway, and wrote a shrill, factually innacurate and hateful story (no surprise here coming from Mr Murdoch,practically endorsing terroristic threats against anyone who doesn;t agree with them and openly MOCKED the police and FBI for their work. Keith got a clean bill of health hours later and returned to work. The powdery substance turned out to be soap powder. Keith's story HERE

But wait, there's more! The same nutjob who sent these fake Anthrax letters struck again, exact same targets. Eventually, in November 2006, police arrested one Chad Castagana, then aged 39 of Woodland Hills CA, a loser who at his age STILL lived with his parents and, ready for this, worshipped, drooled and obsessed over not one but THREE women associated with Fox News (Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingraham. Honestly, 3 horrid people I wouldn't be seen dead with) A Reuters news account HERE. Keith Olbermann's perspective and comments on such sick individuals HERE.

Mr Castagana was later convicted on 14 felony counts and sentenced to five years probation and confinement at the Gateways Community Corrections Center in Los Angeles, CA where he is to receive psychiatric treatment and medication.

Parents, if you keep Fox News and The New York Post out of your home and away from your kids, you're doing your job well indeed. We don't need more belligerent and mentally disturbed degenerates like these two examples running around under the influence of a network that could only be described as "Fairly Unbalanced"

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